Killer Protectorate

A formerly active isolationist power which built a temple and demanded their island


Private Property


Land Baron


Minor Proto Nation

The following proto nation controlled a small amount of territory but remained isolationist. The nation did not participate in major diplomacy until the end of its life.

Annexation of Killerland

FSS attacked Killer. Killer called Owtia to be his lawyer. Owtia brokered a deal granting FSS half of Killer's territory to stop the attack. FSS broke the deal by robbing Killer. 

Wineland became Killer's new lawyer. Killer got land returned after FSS collapsed. Wineland annexed Killer.

Later the land was bought and sold by various parties.

Killer Protectorate

When Killer was bought and sold these deals only involved partial control. Killer legally has the rights to regain the land so it's merely a Protectorate rather than annexed into Owtia.