Private Property Rules

Create Private Property...

Country Gov Approval

Leaders can grant private property

This is done via word or nation law

Colonies on the Unclaimed

Minecolonies/claims on unclaimed land

UN votes to grant a player some land

*Nation leader can declare all future UN granted lands to players are granted to nation

False Private Property...


If the land is granted by UN to a nation and the respective leader has not declared land available.

Then you're a squater and your private property is false. That means the nation can do whatever they want with it unless they promise not to.

Default Assumption

Untouchable if no Prior Nation Property Laws

Nation law/leader must have prior to private property's creation said that the state can manage property.

You must be specific or Admin will interpret in a way which makes private property least touchable.

*You can touch squaters

Promises are Binding

If you promise to never take property then...

-You can only take property in wars.

-You can force secede citizens unless you've waived that right in your nation laws.

*The exceptions don't get around this

Exception 1

Exception 2

Amending Nation Laws

-If you change property laws then you must serve citizens one week's notice.

-Your citizens will be considered to have seceded with their private property unless they agree within the week's notice. 

Extreme Collectivist Societies

*Promises override this

If a society implies no property rights by presenting itself as so collectivistic that its citizens have no property rights.

-You can't just be absolute dictatorship, you need an extra element.

-Implied through your nation name.

Extreme Collectivist Societies (ECS)

When in doubt ask Admin


Some Examples...





-Hive Mind




Not a name persay but...

*If you clearly call/present yourself as God to people before they join

*If you clearly state to people before they join your country is communist/tyrannical/dystopic etc...

Usable but...

*Implies every lawful citizen can use Nation Property




Some Examples...







-Church of

-Socialist States





-God State

-Divine State



