Nation Govs

Ego Totality: Government grants no rights to citizens and makes it so it owns everything in the country. There is no private property.

Totalitarian: Government grants no rights to citizens and actively restricts peoples inherent rights. Things such as no private property.

Absolutism: Government grants no rights to citizens but doesn't actively restrict peoples inherent rights.

Enlightened Autocrat: Government doesn't grant official rights but its ruler does promise not to do certain things like make unfair laws etc.

Constitutional Autocrat: Government requires itself play by a set rule system. This means some rights for people.

Liberal Autocrat: Government grants citizens the rights of property, speech, voluntary labor, voluntary draft, and fair court system. You can be missing one of these and still be considered a Liberal Autocrat.

Votation Autocrat: Government has a leadership but it allows the public to freely vote on some policies. This inherently means citizens have the right to vote on policies.

Plutocracy: Government is ruled by whoever can buy out control. There might be elections but they're actually bidding wars.whoever can buy out control. There might be elections but they're actually bidding wars. 

Meritocracy: Government is ruled by whoever can win control in regularly occurring contests. Some can be more democratic like passing a exam. Some can be less democratic like winning a fight against the current leader.

Democracy: Government either has public vote on all policies or has leaders who are elected and serve a short period of time before another election occurs.

Anarchy: There is no government, just do whatever you want. There might be some rules but they don't ever change, anyone can enforce the rules on each other, thus there's no leader to really enforce those rules.

Note about Corulerships. 

I consider them slightly more left than their Autocractic counterpart.