History of the Sentinels

Gluon's Private Property

Gluon establishes private property within IronThrone.

She begins developing what eventually became the First Sentinel Capital.

She also starts building the Mutant Creeper Factory.

Founding of the Sentinel Party

To achieve early success Gluon founded the Sentinel Party.

The Sentinels early on were a pro elite party and tried to maintain the current status quo of policies and Gluon's Power.

They were tough on crime and deferred always to UN authority.

In other words the Sentinels at this point had no concept of a nation state.

Lincoln Nationalism

Ustarian Nationalists would call for the concept of nation states to form.

The Sentinels disliked the Ustarian Nationalists but we did get on board the national sovereignty movement.

This inspired the Sentinel Nationalist Movement which called for the Sentinels to split from the rest of IronThrone and form our own state.

Lincoln arrived and bestowed us wisdom from high up.

We started worshiping Lincoln as a divine being.

Partition of IronThrone

After Ustaria gained independence and nations were allowed...the Sentinel Nationalists demanded a independent country ruled by Gluon.

The lands built by Gluon were clearly granted to Gluon and so she easily got those rewards.

The UN moved prisons. Gluon argues since the old prison was no longer in use and she built it, therefore the prison is now hers.

Gluon had build a wall as a prelude to the partition but the wall wasn't lined up with chunks so some of the wall was transferred to other countries for their use.


Gluon argued due to Caesar rage quitting and Caesar being politically in the Sentinel Elite block so Gluon argued she should own the casino.

This lead to a period of De-Caesarization where the flag of Caesar was removed and gambling was banned. Warning signs were published and the area was sealed off.

Tis and Dark Land Debate

Gluon and Tis would agree that the current MI colonies which Tis was obviously a master off were to be Tis's bases and Gluon would settle the mountains to the north.

Due to Gluon's generosity and these lands being far away Gluon was allowed to control some stuff that Dark and Tis had funded.

That was a lot of generosity on the parts of Dark and Tis Me.

ZekoSociety Relation

Left: Zeko Society used this symbol until Gluon made them a better one.

Right: The new symbol we made for ZekoSociety.

ZekoSociety Incident

Gluon and Dark would both claim ZekoSociety.

Gluon wanted ZekoSociety to be a neutral embassy because she feared Dark would burn the place down.

Gluon wanted to historically preserve the place even though it's ugly.

Long story short Dark won the argument by threatening to take back the placed he'd funded and pledged to give to Gluon.

Post Partition

The Lincoln Sentinels had emerged a fully independent nation.

Lincoln Sentinels both had their own culture and name.

Technologically our major rival was DarkEclipses.

Culturally the Ustarians were our major rival.

Economically Neutrals were our major rival.

The Lincoln Sentinels would begin the downstairs project to establish gunpowder farms in our factories.

Early Economics

For a time the Creeper Farm was a major industrial boon.

The Mutant Creepers could be farmed for gunpowder downstairs.

Upstairs botania started before stalling out.

The middle floors used to produce tons of fish.

However Owtia built their own rivaling Mutant Creeper Farm using our design.

We would however innovate in a attempt to complete.

While we produced more gunpowder the Owtians found more ways to automate and use their gunpowder as well as the creeper blood for magma cream and blood slimes.

Early International Ventures.

Lincoln would ask for Ustaria to sign a Manager Contract.

We then sold the Ustarian Lands to Royal.

Tensions would occur with Dark stealing the name Utopia which Gluon thought was too similar to the Utopian Realm name she used for previous countries.

Gluon would try to protect culture but ultimately failed to prevent the buying of Land for Sell 1000$ to Royal.

Owtia convinced Neutrality to join and established territorial borders in the region. Gluon pretended to not find this alarming.

Hellothere Free State Incident

Royal threatened war with Hellothere.

Gluon agreed Royal could have the territory but didn't want the colony of Hellothere to cease to exist.

So Gluon got the UN to move Hellothere and declare the country a Free State.

However this proposal went to the Constitutional Court.

Who ruled Gluon had to move the UN Free State to the waters to accomidate Merlings.

Gluon didn't do this and so Hellothere collapsed.

Early Wineland Relations

FSS (Royal) and Wineland (Goofy/Kitchen) would get into a dispute over Wineland settling in FSS's claims and also a wither attack that Wineland orchestrated against FSS. 

Attempting to play both sides we built a Emerald Temple private property embassy and sold gunpowder to Wineland in exchange for stock in their country.

We also joined the Comintern and started shifting some of our states towards communism in a effort to get closer to FSS.

We however also offered Wineland join the Comintern if they became the Wineland Union.

FSS didn't like this so a new Azracovan Pact was declared just between Lincoln Sentinels and FSS.

However this pact eventually fell out because Lincoln Sentinels kept supporting Wineland.

Wineland Relocation

The end result was Wineland got conquered after Kitchen conducted a suprise attack on FSS without Goofy's permission.

Gluon took pitty on Goofy and resettled Goofy to the northern artic lands.

Lincoln Sentinels also took a bite of the artic territory.

We eventually deoccupied the area in exchange for more land closer to our main base.

Southern Colony Project

Lincoln Sentinels would convince the UN to let us develop a southern colony overlooking the HogZog Empire which would help us with farming and storing HogZog Drops.

We eventually deoccupied this area as well so as to consolidate our gains.

Slowly Growing the Mainland

Lincoln Sentinels would redraw state borders in a UN negotiation and shift states around until ultimately we decided culturally the best locations to put each state.

State Subnationalism

Gluon decided each state should have their own pride/national movement.

The early entities were...

-Neutrality (a state for all nations to meet/live)

-Free Imperium (a state for mi and Imperium citizens to live)

-Jacobin Republic (a state for communists and FSS to live)

-Green Mountain SR/Valria Order (states to embody countries Gluon had created on previous servers )

-Dream Hive (a state for people to  conduct farming of the AI Dread faction)

The Wave of Expansion

Gluon traded the Southern Colony and Icelands for more territory in the Mainlands.

Sentinels fought a war against our rivals FSS and won. We installed a country known as the Advent.

Lincoln died and the Sentinels embraced green as our new national color. We started worshipping the Lunar Creeper

The Revolution

Gluon declared the old civilwartocracy and constant infighting must stop. All were unified under the glorious banner of communism.

We became the Sentinel Soviet with red as our national color. We also declared our Advent lands as the rightful sucessors to FSS. We overturn FSS partition and took back tons of FSS lands for the Advent.

Gluon then drafted a new constitution to grant rights to citizens, clients, and allied soviets.