Demon Country

Ruled by Demons. Currently a Co Monarchy of the two most powerful demons.


Co Monarchy


DarkEclipses and Tis Me


One day KingNero became a demon and he decided to form a nation for demon kind. The UN at the time had a bounty system which evolved into a leaderboard to rank the strongest players. KingNero declared demons at the top of the leaderboard would lead the Demon Nation.

The Rankings

Many battles were fought, however the top three strongest players were KingNero, Dark, and Tis Me.

Despite this only Dark and Wig ascended to the throne. This is because many either didn't want to be in the Demon Country or didn't want to be a Demon.

New Constitution

Wig and KingNero both held power but were not able/unwilling to get online to fight for their position.

Gluonmaster used the court system to declare the Demon Country's government unclear and mostly inactive.

DarkEclipses was allowed to write up a new Co Monarchy constitution.