Adventurer’s Aide

Note: all of the contents here are listed from top to bottom in which order they should be read, almost like a step-by-step guide.

Also note: for terms that may be confusing or undefined — such as the "dice-roll" phrase — make sure to check the Glossary of Terms, detailed along with sitemap.

Character Fundamentals

A character has four primary aspects that define who they are both in battle and outside. These fundamentals include a character's skills, race, starsign, and personality.


Skills represent the atributes of a character. They are divided into combative skillsskills utilized in combat or other dangerous situations of action — and irenic skillsskills that would not be considered combative skills. Furthermore, combative skills can be divided into defensive skills and offensive skills, each dealing with a coresponding style of combat. Likewise, irenic skills can be divided into social skills and personal skills, both of which are used in social interactions or specific situations, as per their namesake.

A skill can come into play in a variety of occasions, during which a dice-roll is made to determine the outcome. A dice-roll may be based upon a certain skill, and is formatted as follows (persuasion will be used as an example skill): persuasion-based dice-roll. When a dice-roll is based off of a skill, then you add a value to the dice-roll. This value is known as a skill modifier. A skill modifer may be negative or postive, and all skill modifiers are equal to 0 as a baseline, but can be reallocated during character creation (for example, if your skill modifiers for both persuasion and intimidation are equal to 0, you can reduce your skill modifier for persuasion to -1 and increase your skill modifier for intimidation to 1). Reallocation may not take place to a point where a skill modifier is less than -4 or greater than 4.

Below is the list of all skills:


Agility represents one's ability to dodge, duck, and weave through obstacles and attacks as well as their flexibility. One should add their skill modifier for agility to rolls that may be influenced by one's agility, such as attempting to dodge a falling rock.


Endurance represents one's ability to withstand extreme temperature, poison, and other similar hazards as well as their fortitude. One should add their skill modifier for endurance to rolls that may be influenced by one's endurance, such as attempting to withstand the tranquilizing effects of anesthetic fumes.


Healthcare represents one's ability to heal, repair, and/or alleviate ailments as well as their medical expertise . One should add their skill modifier for healthcare to rolls that may be influenced by one's healthcare, such as attempting to stabilize a dying companion.


Perception represents one's ability to detect and acknowledge foes, projectiles, and places or objects of interest as well as their cognizance. One should add their skill modifier for perception to rolls that may be influenced by one's perception, such as attempting to locate a hidden mechanism in an activated trap.


Willpower represents one's ability to resist temptations, do something unfavorable, or avoid/nullify mind-altering effects as well as their resolve. One should add their skill modifier for willpower to rolls that may be influenced by one's willpower, such as attempting to repel hypnotic control.


Accuracy represents one's ability to direct projectile-launching apparatuses, hit a (possibly moving) mark, and contact exact (and/or elusive) points on a target as well as their aim. One should add their skill modifier for accuracy to rolls that may be influenced by one's accuracy, such as attempting to fire an arrow into a bullseye.


Initiative represents one's ability to react quickly, analyze the battlefield, and strategize on the fly as well as their responsiveness. One should add their skill modifier for initiative to rolls that may be influenced by one's initiative, such as attempting to get through a rapidly closing door.


Might represents one's ability to strike something forcibly, heave weighty loads, and attack effectively as well as their strength. One should add their skill modifier for might to rolls that may be influenced by one's might, such as attempting to hurl a large barrel across a moderately lengthy distance.


Stealth represents one's ability to lurk in shadow, move silently, and catch mosters and people off guard with attacks or whatever else as well as their furtive cunning. One should add their skill modifier for stealth to rolls that may be influenced by one's stealth, such as attempting to pass by unnoticed by a guard.


Witchcraft represents one's ability to preform incantations, apprehend arcane lore, and alter the flow of magic as well as their soul's mojo. One should add their skill modifier for witchcraft to rolls that may be influenced by one's witchcraft, such as attempting to render a magical trap innate.


Artifice represents one's ability to construct technological contraptions, modify and invent gizmos and equipment, and think critically as well as their ingenuity. One should add their skill modifier for artifice to rolls that may be influenced by one's artifice, such as attempting to assemble an automaton.


Dexterity represents one's ability to pick locks, disarm mechanical traps, and do other precise tasks as well as their sleight of hand. One should add their skill modifier for dexterity to rolls that may be influenced by one's dexterity, such as attempting to safely fish an object out of a hole filled with sharp pieces of scrap.


Knowledge represents one's ability to recall history and language, identify monsters and objects, and understand the ways of the universe as well as their intellect. One should add their skill modifier for knowledge to rolls that may be influenced by one's knowledge, such as attempting to decipher the meaning of an ancient text.


Luck represents one's ability to succeed in risky moves, possess accurate intuition, and correctly form hunches as well as their karmic payoff. One should add their skill modifier for luck to rolls that may be influenced by one's luck, such as attempting win in a bout of gambling.


Piety represents one's ability to appropriately pray to a higher power to receive divine favor, preform religious ceremonies, and bless others as well as their reverence. One should add their skill modifier for piety to rolls that may be influenced by one's piety, such as attempting to pray that your deity so that a friend may be cured of a sickness.


Deception represents one's ability to trick others via lies, disguises, and/or hoaxes as well as their talent in masquerade. One should add their skill modifier for deception to rolls that may be influenced by one's deception, such as attempting to impersonate a noble.


Intimidation represents one's ability to scare somebody into submission, maintain order through fear, and/or interrogate somebody as well as their frightfulness. One should add their skill modifier for intimidation to rolls that may be influenced by one's intimidation, such as attempting to pry some information out of a captive goblin.


Persuasion represents one's ability to convince, entice, or otherwise coax someone into doing or believing something as well as their charisma. One should add their skill modifier for persuasion to rolls that may be influenced by one's persuasion, such as attempting to talk a hostage-taker out of detaining the captive.


Salesmanship represents one's ability to barter, markup prices when selling, and discount prices when buying as well as their majesty. One should add their skill modifier for salesmanship to rolls that may be influenced by one's salesmanship, such as attempting to haggle the cost of a valuable art piece.


Wisdom represents one's ability to see through lies, make rational decisions, and possess good judgement as well as their sagacity. One should add their skill modifier for wisdom to rolls that may be influenced by one's wisdom, such as attempting to refuse a tempting deal from an experienced charlatan.


There are 20 races that can be played as. Each one is a humanoid that possess enough intelligence to live in or establish advanced society. Races are divided into four different classifications, including apparatuses, demihumans, sprites, and troglodytes.

Apparatuses are mechancical beings made of machinery and metal, although they still consume food and water for various bodily processes. Their lack of vital organs and possession of built-in 'armor' grants them a stack of advantage on all dice-rolls that use defensive skills; however, their lack of biological brains and the fact that they have "artificial" souls make them suffer a stack of disadvantage on all dice-rolls that use personal skills.

Demihumans are all of the races that descended from an ancient race known as the Ancestors. Their common appearance and societal nature grants them a stack of advantage on all dice-rolls that use social skills; however, their physical weakness and squishy physiology make them suffer a stack of disadvantage on all dice-rolls that use defensive skills.

Sprites are mystical and supernatural entities spawned from the paranormal phenomena of the world. Their connate mojo and oneness with the flow of existence grants them a stack of advantage on all dice-rolls that use personal skills; however, their disconnection with physical mass and their dependence on magic makes them suffer a stack of disadvantage on all dice-rolls that use offensive skills.

Troglodytes are primal, beastly brutes that blur the line between man and monster. Their strength and animalistic rage grants them a stack of advantage on all dice-rolls that use offensive skills; however, their lack of sociability and their savage appearance makes them suffer a stack of disadvantage on all dice-rolls that use social skills.

Know that just because a race's society is often found within a particular place or that most follow a set of customs doesn't mean that they *have* to follow their archetypes.

Below is the list of all races:


Chassis are mechanical frames that mimic demihuman biology. While they are primarily made of metal, wood, and other abiotic materials, they do have a series of tubes running through them filled with blood that is used as an all-in-one biofuel, lubricant, and metabolizer, so they are not immune to the effects of disease and toxins. Chassis are an ancient race, dating back to the Advancement Era when Hephaestus gifted the inhabitants of Gaia powerful technology.

A chassis possesses some form of artillery, often a pair of duel shoulder cannons, that is able to make two blunt ranged attacks against any unit within 12 spaces of the chassis as an action, each dealing an amount of physical damage equal to the amount of damage that a weapon of a tier equal to the level of the chassis would deal.


Gizmos are boxy heaps of metal haphazardly thrown together to create a humanoid form, adorned with strange technological wonders from Caminus, the Astral Plane of Technology. Like chassis, gizmos can be affected by toxic substances because of the fact that their ramshackle forms can easily deteriorate amidst substances and energies that can normally sicken a living creature. Gizmos aren't born; they are instead made by skilled technicians with technological knowledge only recently uncovered.

A gizmo is able to embed tools inside itself (embedding a tool takes an hour of work), being able to use any embedded tool hands-free; embedded tools don't use up inventory space, but the total value in aurum of all embedded tools must be no greater than five times the level of the gizmo.


Hellrazers are daemonic machines from Helheim that feed off of the bioenergy of nearby vermin that infest the inner machinations of the hellrazer's body. While they themselves cannot be hurt by toxic substances, the vermin that inhabit them can, and they quickly die off without any bioenergy to siphon. Hellrazers were spawned from the Titan of Envy, one of the titans inhabiting Helheim who rules over the Planar Body of Envy; this titan was jealous of Rhea, the god of Gaia, for single-handedly ruling over the races, so they used their power to create the hellrazers.

A hellrazer is able to invoke the hellfire that burns inside the daemonic furnace in their chest cavity once per day as an action, dealing an amount of daemonic damage equal to the level of the hellrazer multiplied by 2.5, rounding down, to all units within 1 space of it; the hellrazer also heals and amount of health equal to the level of the hellrazer multiplied by 2.5, rounding down, provided the invokation of the hellfire damages at least one unit.


Manikins are fully mechanical apparatuses that run off a system of clockwork and steam. Unlike other apparatuses, they don't have any susceptibility to toxic hazards whatsoever. Manikins have existed for centuries as mechanical doohickeys, but only recently have they become advanced enough as to manifest a soul through generations of scientific advancement.

A manikin cannot take toxic damage whatsoever, nor can it be infected by any diseases; it cannot starve, dehydrate, or asphyxiate, and it takes weeks of activity for a manikin to become exhausted.


Panzers are basically walking suits of armor piloted only by a brainstem through complex wiring and necromatic magic. Any toxic elements that manage to get through one's plating can harm the brainstem just like it would any animal. For a panzer to be made, whoever is making it must be utterly insane because the process to do so is incredibly painful and requires many horrid acts.

A panzer possess thick armor that makes it so it receives a +1 bonus to their armor rating.


Dwarves are a stout and sturdy folk native to sprawling caves. They are great at working with their hands and can survive harsh elements well; that's not to mention their appetites and alchohol addictions. Dwarves diverged from the Ancestors when they first ventured into the underground, unto where they build massive tombs and mines.

A dwarf is hardier than most, so they recieve an increase to their life equal to 2.5 times their level, rounding down.


Elves are a mystical race of slender and fair demihumans that have an innate sense of magic and nature. Most elves come from tribes found in luscious forests or beaches, living off the land and protecting their home. Elves come from the end of Ancestor civilization in which many were forced to move into the wilds and rely on magic to survive.

An elf possesses enough innate magical ability to cast any spell that is of a tier that is less than or equal to their level; a spell can only be cast in this way once per day.


Gnomes are the smallest demihumans, being found in secluded badlands and even the remnants of ancient, technologically advanced ruins from the Advancement Era. They love wind-up toys and similar mechanical trinkets; additionally, they have a knack for mechanical and alchemical sciences. Gnomes used to be the smartest of the Ancestors, what with their low body mass to brain mass ratio, but had to scatter and live in seclusion to protect old knowledge that which little remains.

A gnome can utilize their knowledge of generations past to create a clockwork contraption once per day over the course of an hour; this contraption can be used to automate an action that the gnome can execute so that the gnome is able to execute that action as an interaction with the contraption instead of a regular action (the contraption will break after the action is executed 3 times).


Hobbits are a modest race of relatively small folk who dwell in grasslands and rolling hills. They live cozy lives with their families and adventure only alongside good company. Hobbits aren't particularly suited for combat since the first of their kind hid from potential dangers; this ability to avoid confrontation persists in hobbits today.

A hobbit is stealthy enough as to be able to effectively hide themselves from mosts foe with ease, even in battle; as such, they gain a stack of advantage on all stealth-based dice-rolls made to hide.


Humans are the most common race, being average in almost every way. They are highly adaptable and vary a lot between individuals. Humans are the result of two other demihumans mating — they're essentially the all-in-one demihuman.

A human's adaptability grants it an increase of one point each for the skill modifiers of five seperate skills.


Cambions are daemonic people that are half-demihuman and half-daemon. While often depicted as being evil, they don't necessarily have to be; typically, the only people that think cambions are evil are those that don't come in contact with a whole lot of foreigners that could be cambions. Cambions can [W.I.P].
















