Ragtags' Revenue

~ Isn't it funny how steel is used to loot gold just like gold is used to buy steel? ~

Celestia: Ragtags' Revenue Summarized

In libraries and stores all accross the world, there are tabletop roleplaying games. Celestia may never meet their esteem, but it can offer a unique and engaging roleplaying experience.

In short, Celestia contains a menagerie of races with their own traits and descriptions, classes that embody a character's skills and role in combat, enemies that each possess specialized abilities, weaknesses, and powers, and so much more. It has a deep, intriguing collection of lore and flavor including different planes to visit, different dieties to encounter, and even a variety of historical events. With Celestia comes a built in storyline filled with people to meet, monsters to slay, and quests to fulfill.

Celestia utilizes a game system in which sets of six-sided dice are rolled to determine the outcome of actions and events. This provides a rule-set where a realistic amount of chance is added into the game to flavor it with a dabble of excitement and wonder.


Celestia consists of 3 books, each containing their own content and rules to explore.

  • The Adventurer's Aide holds all of the rules that comcern players of Celestia, such as races, starsigns, et cetera.

  • The Godhead’s Guidebook holds all of the rules that concern the game master for a Celestia campaign, such as lore, a storyline, et cetera.

  • The Danger Dossier holds all of the statistics for many enemies in Celestia, and it can be used by players and game masters alike.

Glossary of Terms

To be updated as books are completed.