Healthy Teeth

5 Tips for a Healthy Smile 2022

Tip #1: Brush your teeth twice a day

To keep your teeth healthy, you have to take care of them by brushing twice a day.

This is especially important if you just ate something sweet because if you don't brush your teeth,

they can get cavities as the sugar will "eat" your teeth.

Also, don't forget to floss as part of this - make sure you have strong gums!

More on this in the next tip…

Tip #2: ...and don't forget to Floss

Flossing is just as important as brushing your teeth.

You need to make sure you have a strong gums so that you will not have gingivitis, a condition

that results in lots of bleeding from the gums.

At the same time, you want to make sure you don't over floss and damage your gums - it will result

in gum recession and there won't be anything to hold your teeth together.

P.S. Want to speed up your results? check this out...

Check out also bonus tip #6…

Tip #3: Don't forget to drink water

Humans are composed of 80% water (or some stat like that)

Make sure to drink lots of water as it not only hydrates you but also keeps you healthy and

your teeth enamel safe.

Tip #4: Eat lots of crunchy fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables in general are great, but the reason why we suggest eating "crunchy"

is because that is an indication that these foods contain fiber.

Fiber is extremely important not only for your own personal health, but it helps counter

the sugar for your teeth after eating too much of it.

Tip #5: Get regular dentist checkups

It's recommended to see a professional Dentist at least 2 times a year.

They will do a general checkup and make sure everything is OK.

BONUS Tip #6: Use special vitamins and supplements

There are many different supplements you can take for your general health, and also your teeth.

One such product is called Dentitox Pro and it can really help your teeth look great.

If you want to learn more, simple CHECK OUT THEIR WEBSITES BY CLICKING HERE.

Until then, keep on rocking and using tips described earlier.