Cedillo Garden Services

we love your garden as you  love it

  We normally work aroud area, however we want expand around states and as soon as posible the whole country, we will be so happy for helping you with your questions, if you need ideas for your garden we have renovations ideas. 

we have people working at the office willing to assist you with your questions, as well we do have people who is in charging of making the magic with your garden, we are professionals and loving what we do.

Mission of the project

our mission is helping you with your garden and  you can be satisfied with it.

Pavers Patio

a paving stone, porcelane and nature stone like piece of concrete commonly used as exterior flooring.

Planting and pots

we plant trees and small bushes,flowers.

Paver Path

Fence and Gates Building


applying mulch include helping conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the plants...

Retaining Wall and Gravel Patio

a structural feature that supports your landscaping and prevents erosion 


Contact [edenilsonlemuss31@gmail.com] to get more information on the project