History of Cedar Point

Space is a unique way for geographers to look at the world. Geographers may look at the world in regards to space which focuses on "Where? and "Why?" Space is defined by many different variables that make a location unique. [7]

1800s: Cedar Point was a site that contained a lighthouse and served as a port for fishermen [3]

1867: The peninsula became linked to a small railroad that attracted tourists and visitors [3]

1870: Louis Zistel opens Cedar Point, which was made up of a beer garden and dance floor, bathhouse and children’s activities. Louis Zistel would transport people from Sandusky to Cedar Point via a steamboat [8]

1882: A steamboat service to the Cedar Point was established. Over the next five years, Cedar Point developed tourist attractions such as expanded picnic grounds, walkways, new bathhouses, dance floors and fireworks shows [8]

1892: Cedar Point debuts its first roller coaster, the Switchback Railway, powered by gravity [1]

1905: Hotel Breakers opened up with 600 rooms available. Majority of the rooms had a view of Lake Erie [8] including photo.

1914: The first road to Cedar Point opens, and it is called the Chaussee [8]

1957: The Cedar Point Causeway opens across Sandusky Bay, providing opportunity for more growth [1]

1964: The Blue Streak becomes the first major rollercoaster since 1929. Cedar Point named it in honor of Sandusky High School athletic teams [8] including photo.

1988: Soak City opens. A separate waterpark from the amusement park [8] including photo.

Today: Cedar Point contains an amusement park, a waterpark, a beach and surrounding area that leads up to the peninsula.