PhD Cecilia Rikap

Associate Professor in Economics and Head of Research at IIPP, University College London (UCL)

Former Senior Lecturer in IPE, City University of London

Associated with: CONICET, Argentina’s national research council and at the COSTECH lab, Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

@CeciliaRikap //

ResearchGate profile

Google Scholar profile

What's new? 

(Due to lack of time, I am not updating this website, but I often post on Twitter)

Happy to share my new paper published by the Regional Studies Association "Area Development and Policy" journal. 

I present synthesize of intellectual monopoly capitalism focusing on how leading corporations plan production & innovation systems including GVC, platforms and franchisees

Free copies here

I was interviewed as part of the TV show "Futuralia" from Argentina's national TV.

You can watch the episode here. My intervention starts around minute 15

Your are more than welcome to watch my presentation at the EPOG Joint seminars

I received so many inspiring questions and interventions by EPOG students that I could not be more grateful!!

Want to know more about the EPOG+ Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme? Go to 

New book is out!

Our book w/ Bal Lundvall “The Digital Innovation Race” is finally out! GAFAM & BATH as intellectual monopolies, their technological convergence, their interplay with the US and Chinese states and the US-China conflict as driven by the digital race.

We show that Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, as well as their counterparts in China extract value and appropriate intellectual rents through privileged access to AI algorithms trained by data from organizations & individuals around the world.

We provide insights on the complex interplay b/w corporate & national innovation systems by looking at US-China conflict as a struggle for global techno supremacy and alternative scenarios of global governance, policy recos + calls for social activism 

New Research Policy paper

"China's catching-up in artificial intelligence seen as a co-evolution of corporate and national innovation systems" Lundval and Rikap

Presents Freeman's ideas on technological revolutions changing the world order.

Explores China's National Innovation System AI catching-up.

Introduces Corporate innovation system (CIS) concept.

Compares Alibaba and Tencent CIS with those of Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

Discusses co-evolution of China's NIS and tech giants' CIS.

New open access paper! 

Corporate financialization’s conservation and transformation: from Mark I to Mark II

Tristan Auvray, Cédric Durand, Joel Rabinovich & Cecilia Rikap 

Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (2021)

Access it here: 

Regional Studies Association Plenary.

Watch the recording of the ADP Annual Lecture. “Global Value Chains from an Evolutionary Economic Geography perspective: a research agenda”

Crash Course on Big Tech, techno-feudalism and democracy:

In this second Crash Course episode of the series on Big Tech, Techno-feudalism and Democracy, we zoomed in on intellectual property. We have invited political economist Cecilia Rikap to explain where intellectual property comes from, what its role is in fabricating monopoly power, and why it is important to understand the rise of Big tech and Big Pharma.

I wrote a summary of my book "Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism Uncovered" for Developing Economics blog (available in English and in Spanish).

 In this summary, I focus on the chapters that deal with the impacts of intellectual monopoly capitalism on the peripheries.

I also birefly refer to what is to be done to tilt the scale against intellectual monopoly capitalism? 

Last March 22nd I presented my new book "Capitalism, Power and Innovation: Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism Uncovered", published by Routledge, at a Young Scholar's Initiative (INET) Webinar.  

The recording is available here.