Cecilia Josefsson

I am an Associate Professor (Docent) in the Department of Government at Uppsala University in Sweden. My research focuses on political institutions and representation from a gender perspective in a wide variety of contexts, including sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Scandinavia. I received my PhD from the Department of Government at Uppsala University in November 2020. My dissertation "Adaptive Resistance: Power Struggles over Gender Quotas in Uruguay" deals with (male) political elites' resistance to progressive reforms and women's political inclusion. It was awarded the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joni Lovenduski PhD Prize in Gender and Politics in 2023. Currently, I am researching gendered working conditions and leadership in the Swedish Parliament, resistance to gender equitable institutional change, and political representation in sub-Saharan Africa during COVID-19. I have published articles in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, Perspectives on Politics, Politics & Gender, International Political Science Review, Parliamentary Affairs, Representation, and Politics, Groups, and Identities. 

You can find my CV here