I want to make sure I understand the capabilities of HE + Alexa. I want to be able to say things like "Alexa turn off the lights in my living room." Now as I set up groups and scenes through HE do those settings get picked up by Alexa? Do I need to discover new devices in the Alexa app?

The Alexa Skill did automatically get added to HE. When I look at my Alexa app, There aren't any new groups or commands created. Is that something I'm going to have to go into the Alexa app to set up every time I set up a new Motion Lighting App.

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In the Motion Lighting App, I again added: "Living Room" as the name Alexa should use to control the living room lights, but still get the response saying the skill linked with the living room is not enabled.

ETA: I'm not sure how you're setting up a room with Motion Lighting. You might have better luck using the Groups and Scenes app to set up a Living Room group. This will create a virtual "Living Room" device that can be linked to Alexa via the Amazon Echo Skill app in HE.

Below you can see that when using the app, the living room is connected to hubitat. The second photo is after I tap the switch to turn off the light. The app says "Waiting for Hubitat..." and then the lights go off.

Building Alexa Skills can seem difficult at first, but with right resources and guidance, anyone can create a skill. Our beginner's guide to building Alexa skills answers basic questions about skills and skill development, helps you decide what to build, and shows you where to start. Get step-by-step instructions on creating a simple skill, with tips on design, coding, testing, and certification. Start learning today, no experience required.

This learning series will teach you how to build multimodal interactions to make your voice-only skill more interactive and easier to use. You will learn fundamentals such as the various elements of a multimodal skill, the request and response lifecycle, and Alexa Presentation Language (APL), the language used to create visuals for devices with screens. After receiving an introduction to foundational knowledge, you will embark on a practical hands-on journey where you can practice what you learn within our state-of-the-art e-learning solution. You will write code and receive real-time feedback to help you progressively advance your skills.

Skills are like apps for Alexa, and provide a new channel for your content and services. Skills let customers use their voices to perform everyday tasks like checking the news, listening to music, playing a game, and more. Organizations and individuals can publish skills in the Alexa Skills Store to reach and delight customers on hundreds of millions of Alexa devices.

Start building today with the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) which provides self-service APIs, Skill Components and other tools. You can visit the design guide to learn how to design delightful Alexa experiences. The guide features best practices, design principles, example use cases, and downloadable assets to help you through your design journey.

Expand your reach through hundreds of millions of Alexa devices across the globe, use voice to close the distance between your brand and your customers, and make money by selling premium experiences and physical goods.

I need to revise my published Alexa skill. I'm familiar with the "In Development" skill version which Amazon automatically creates after publishing a skill. What I don't understand is how do I iterate on my skill, particularly when I need to change the interaction model and the linked Lambda function at the same time?

For example, I could create a separate "In Development" Lambda function and make it my default endpoint for my "In Development" Alexa skill. But then when I submit my "In Development" Alexa skill for publication, that "In Development" Lambda endpoint would become the new endpoint for my published skill. I suppose that could work, and I think that's what Amazon intends, but I don't want to have to recycle my Lambda functions, reconfigure x-ray tracing, etc. I use the Serverless Framework to deploy the Lambda functions linked to my Alexa skills, and it versions my Lambdas for me.

I couldn't find any Amazon documentation for this beyond "edit the development version," which is obviously inadequate. That page has a link to "Revise and Update Your Skill after Publication" but clicking it sends me to a page about skill distribution.

You can now make changes to the development version of the skill like: change in interaction model, endpoint change etc. Any change in the developer portal requires your skill to go through certification process.

When you submit your new version for certification, both versions remain in your list until the new version is certified. Once the new version is certified, it becomes live and replaces the previous live version. All the existing users will have the live/latest version of your skill. A new development version is then created so that you can continue making updates.

When you create a Lambda function for the first time, the default version is Latest. The Latest is your development version, and you can make changes to this. During development you will use the arn of the Latest version (development version) of Lambda function in Alexa portal. Once you are done with the changes and updates of your Lambda function and you feel that this has to be released, you version it. When you publish a version (you can provide the version name) of the Lambda function, you will have two versions Latest and released-version. You will no longer be able to make changes to released-version of your Lambda. And you can continue making updates to the Latest version and release it as you wish.

This way you can link the versioned uneditable Lambda to your live skill. And for the development version of the skill, you can use the Latest version of the same Lambda function to continue making updates.

Alexa creates development and a live version of the skill. You can change the development version to include the updates. For me when specifying the AWS Lambda arn, I couldn't specify the version field. Whenever I tried saving ARN with version set to $Latest or a version number or an alias, Alexa developer console was giving an error. So I created 2 lambda functions. One, pointing to the old version of skill and the other one pointing to the new version of the skill.

This is not possible. It is a security feature so 3rd parties cannot create a skill to "listen in" on everything someone is saying. You can respond, and if you don't set the "endSession" flag, it will keep the session open. But it will only remain open for about 8 seconds. If you have set a reprompt, it will read them the reprompt at that point and stay open for another 8 seconds. So the maximum you can keep the line open for is 16 or so seconds.

In your response, when calling buildSpeechletResponse, set shouldEndSession to false in order to keep the session open and keep listening for more utterances without needing to launch the skill again using "alexa ask MyApp..."

Based on the sdk you are using you can set the flag (should end session = false). This is already done in an ask response. If you add a reprompt with that flag set then you can keep the session open until reprompt speech.

You will have to remember the session and session variables go away after the session ends (when the blue light on alexa echo goes away). So if you want to maintain the state or the grocery list I would recommend having storage like a db. If you are using lambda to host an endpoint then it has a dynamo Db that you can use to store data.

The only correct answer is that it is NOT possible. OP clearly defines the duration of time in which they would like to keep the session open as minutes. This is actually impossible. Saying that it is possible but only for a limited amount of time, which is a fraction of the time OP was attempting to do, is not really helpful.

The solution that you can use is by adding the Translate by Zapier app after the Amazon Alexa trigger step. In this case, Translate by Zapier can translate your phrase before it goes to the action step.

@Brem I can't see how the solution you propose will enable me to install the Alexa skill in my devices, since I can't see it in my country's skills marketplace. As far as I understand, I need the skill to get installed first, for any trigger from Alexa to run (unless I'm missing something).

I always had trouble each time I changed things around, and I can't remember any exact path I followed to get everything to work,


If you try from both sides, it usually resolved things for me.

I have the same issue twice a year despite my subscription being up to date. The Alexa linkage stopped working, again, 2 days ago. I have rebooted the Alexa and the control4 hardware and reinstalled both apps but still cannot get the Alexa skill to link to control4.

Well... it seems this is a thing now, as I too have been using Alexa and Control4 for many years and now it wont allow me to enable the skill. No resolution yet??? My entire home uses this technology.

They have asked for video of what happens on Echo Show to help with the issue, think they have missed the point, the skill has a problem so it wil not work on any Alexa video enabled device.

It apprears this has been since the last Eufy app update 7th May or they have skill linking issue.

Hi, As per the orginal post the issue is with either the app or Alexa skill, i have already contacted support and advised to unlink account with Alexa and re-link, this has been completed with no effect. 152ee80cbc

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