
CDrill 2000



  • Added Sinful option so that the engine would play blunder, bad and dubious moves most of the time and best move once in a while. A similar system is used on the CDroid bot playing games in the Lichess server.

  • Added Decent option so that the engine would play for a draw or lose the game. When ahead, it will play a move that would allow the opponent to equalize or even get the upper hand. However when behind it will try to search for the best move. This option is an attempt to suit the criteria posted by swami in talkchess forum. When Sinful and Decent are both activated, Decent will be followed.

  • Added hashtable. Hash size can be set via the setoption command.

  • Modify static evaluations.


  • CDrill has an estimated rating of around 2000 on the CCRL Blitz Rating.

  • CDrill Sinful has an estimated Lichess Blitz rating of around 1700. This rating is achieved from games against humans only. On computer opponents such as Safrad, Zoe, Alouette, and NEG, it gets a rating of around 800 under CCRL Blitz Rating conditions.


CDrill 2000 windows 64bit


CDrill 1800 Build 4

Download Android version


CDrill 1800 Build 4

  • Added knowledge to mate a lone king with king and queen (KQ vs K).

  • Added knowledge to mate a lone king with king and rook (KR vs K).

  • Added knowledge to win in a kp vs k ending by uncatchable passer or by king opposition (KP vs K).


See its blitz rating here.


CDrill 1800 Build 3

  • Separate normal capture threat from capture threat with king attack.

  • Added support for own polyglot opening book. The move selection will be done randomly. The book filename must be CDrill.bin. This file can be downloaded in the link below.

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CDrill 1800 Build 2

  • Added KingShelterWeight option



CDrill 1800 Build 1

  • Added PassedPawnWeight option



CDrill 1800

  • First release
