CDL Manager, Your Best & Only Safety Option

Trucking Operation Management can be incredibly fulfilling, however, it can also be stressful. Focusing on your company’s Safety Fitness Determination Rating, monitoring DOT Roadside Inspections, handling your Safety and Compliance DQ Files and FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing can be confusing and frustrating. However, there is a solution, CDL Manager cannot only train you but they can completely manage all of your company’s safety. With CDL Manager’s Trucking Compliance Experts and Compliance Management Software you can have complete confidence that your FMCSA Compliance Management is safe, up to date and accurate.

Did you know?

CDL Manager has a team of Trucking Compliance Experts that will walk you through the processes that will help your company achieve a high Safety Fitness Determination Rating and monitor your FMCSA Compliance Management. CDL Manager has a Compliance Management Software that is dedicated to helping you make paperwork and document filing easier. With access to the software, you will be able to upload all documents needed and manage everything from your Safety and Compliance DQ Files to Driver License Monitoring with ease.

Did the FMCSA decide to do a DOT Compliance Audit on your company? Not a problem, CDL Manager has an FMCSA Audit Support System that focuses specifically on your company’s needs. CDL Manager will help walk you through you DOT Compliance Audit and even speak directly with the FMCSA for you so that you do not have to worry about your Safety Fitness Determination Rating dropping.

Are you having a hard time knowing when your drivers receive a DOT Roadside Inspection? No worries, CDL Manager’s Compliance Management Software has a Driver License Monitoring System built in that will alert you of any DOT Roadside Inspection. It will also alert you of any document (CDL, Med Card) that will be coming up on expiration.

Perhaps you are having a hard time with the process of CDL Truck Driver Hiring. Making sure all of the “boxes” are checked can be such a challenge. CDL Manager can help with your CDL Truck Driver Hiring.

CDL Manager makes your Trucking Operation Management easy. Do not let paper work be the thing that takes your trucks off the road. Instead, let CDL Manager do the work for you.