| 보건학종합학술대회

| 2020. 10. 30 - 2020. 10. 31

Suyoung Jo, Jieun Hwang, Eunsil Jeon, Sung-il Cho. Identifying Smoking Behavior Trajectories among Korean Men (Oral)

*학생연구경연발표 <최우수상> 입상


| 대한예방의학회

| 2019. 10.16 - 2019. 10.18

Hee-kyoung Nam, Inhyung Cho, Sung-il Cho. Association of Sweetened Beverages and Oral Hygiene Products on Dental Caries : Analysis of 2015 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (Poster)

Hae-ryoung Chun, In hyung Cho, Young eun Choi, Sung il Cho. The Effect of emotional labor factors and working environment on depression in the Pink Collar occupation (Poster)
*<우수포스터상> 입상


| 대한금연학회 추계학술대회

| 2018. 11. 16

지용호 외. 흡연력과 심뇌혈관질환 발생에 있어 소득수준의 불평등 (포스터)

| 대한예방의학회

| 2018. 10.17 - 2018. 10. 19

Yeonghwa So, Sung-il Cho. Obesity and Muscularity Trends in Korean Adults and the association with metabolic syndrome (Poster)

| 대한금연학회 춘계학술대회

| 2018. 06. 15

지용호 외. 한국 성인의 담뱃갑 경고그림에 대한 인식과 관련 요인: 한국의학연구소 (KMI)연구 (포스터)

| ICMHAHI 2018

| 2018. 05. 14 - 2018. 05. 15

Su-In Seo. Application of WHO’s guideline to evaluating apps for smoking cessation (Poster)

| 국제보건의료학회

| 2018. 04. 06 - 2018. 04. 07

Mihee Kim, Heeran Chun, Minah Kang, Sung-il Cho. Women’s empowerment and the use of modern contraceptives in Tanzania (Poster)

| 보건학종합학술대회

| 2018. 04. 06 - 2018. 04. 07

Yongho Jee, Susan Park, Eunwu Yuk, Sohee Nam, Sung-il Cho. Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking among young adults: an investigation using alcohol flushing as an instrumental variable (Oral)

*학생연구경연발표 <대상> 입상

| 세계금연대회(World Conference on Tobacco or Health)

| 2018. 03. 07 - 2018. 03. 09

Heewon Kang. Universal coverage of comprehensive school-based tobacco control programs to reduce youth smoking in Seoul, Korea (Oral)

Heewon Kang, Seong Yeon Kim, Sung-il Cho. Age-period-cohort effect of adolescent smoking in Korea: from 2006-2016 (Poster)


| 한국역학회

| 2017. 12. 08

Su Yeong Jo, Sujeong Han, Sung-il Cho. The risk of Cataract with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (Poster)
*포스터발표 <장려상> 입상

| 대한예방의학회

| 2017. 10. 18 - 2017. 10. 20

정한얼, 정성목, 조성일. 국내 호흡기 알레르기 환자의 류마티스 관절염 위험 : 2013-2015 국민건강영양조사 자료를 활용한 단면연구 (구연발표)

민경덕, 조성일, 최선혜, 김윤정, 오경원. 흡연자들의 일별 흡연력 분석(포스터)

Heewon Kang, Seong Yeon Kim, Sung-il Cho. The mediating role of smoking in the relationship between work-related stress and mental well-being (Poster)

Seong Yeon Kim, Heewon Kang, Myungwha Jang, Joo Youn Chung, Sung-il Cho. Determinants of Knowledge and Attitudes toward Tobacco Use among Adolescents in Seoul, Korea (Poster)

Inhyung Cho, Sung-il Cho. Use of Nutrition label in Patients with Chronic Diseases : KNHANES, 2013-2015 (Poster)

Sohee Nam, Sung-il Cho. Effects of stress on smoking behaviors (Poster)

Su Yeong Jo, Sujeong Han, Sung-il Cho. Association of Chronic Obstructive Poulmonary Disease(COPD) and Anemia : Analysis of the 6th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES) (Poster)
*<우수포스터상> 입상

임수민, 조성일. 우리나라 성인의 천식 관련 건강행태 요인 : 2015년 지역사회건강조사를 바탕으로 (포스터)

정소화, 서수인, 조성일, 황승식. 국내 담뱃갑 경고그림의 금연효과에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰 (포스터)

| 보건학종합학술대회

| 2017. 04. 07 - 2017. 04. 08

Jeeeun Yi. Determinants of Self-efficacy for Smoking Cessation (Poster)

Sung-Mok Jung, Se-Hee Park, Seo-Eun Ahn, Sung-Hee Hwang. Association Between the Settlement and Tuberculosis related Preventive Practices in North Korean Defectors (Poster)

Han Eol Jeong. Stroke is associated with Diabetes Mellitus in Korean Adults (Poster)

조인형, 이지애. 서울시 성인의 영양표시 인지, 독해, 활용 실태와 관련 요인연구 - 2015년 지역사회건강조사 결과를 활용하여 (포스터)

한수정. 서울시 G구 보건소 건강생활실천협의회 사회연결망 분석 (포스터)