Geospatial Data Analytics

Nighttime Binghamton Campus 

High-resolution Nighttime Image from unman aeiral vehicle

Geotagged Tweets for electricity power consumption

Reported in Pipe Dream (02/19/2018), student newspaper of SUNY-Binghamton

Aggregated hourly unique Tweet users (left) and eletric power consumption (right)

Comparison between eletric power consumption (purple) and unique tweet users (Gold). Correlation coefficients are high in different buildings (R > 0.8, p < 0.01).

Neighborhood landscape and its relationship with crime occurence

Geo-tagged Socia Media Data to Characterize Hazard Resilience

Daily Twitter user count reach a peak (gold line) before Hurricane Florence arrived, and other peaks due to different holidays (such as Labor Day and Thanksgiving)

Urban Land Use using Geo-tagged Social Media

Normalized Hourly Number of Twitter Users in week days are used for deriving detailed urban land use in the entire city.

Computer vision to characterize neighborhood environments

using Google Street View

Johnson City Redevelopment in upstate New York

"Nighttime Binghamton Campus" starts at 16:10 on Youtube.

Featured in Campus Calendar