Coalition partners work together to achieve the goals outlined in the 

System Plan

These on-the-ground activities of the Coalition are implemented by working groups set up by the Leadership team.  Membership on workgroups is open to any organization or individual that is interested in and committed to supporting the goals and objectives of that workgroup. Organizations do not have to be members of the Leadership Team and participants do not have to be key leaders to participate in a Coalition workgroup. Workgroups develop annual workplans that are aligned with the strategies in the System Plan, and meet regularly to achieve goals and timelines. A designated representative from each workgroup reports on progress to the Leadership Team at monthly meetings.

Raising Strong Families

The Raising Strong Families Workgroup is responsible for developing and implementing a pilot project to provide a wrap-around model of support for families with the most complex needs from their child's birth to age 8. Meets the 1st Monday of each month from 10:00am – 11:00am.

Professional Development 

The Professional Development Workgroup is responsible for strategies that provide training in evidence-based social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula for professionals working with young children and their families.  The group will build on established strategies to increase infrastructure and capacity for local coaches and trainers and develop fidelity measures for evidence-based SEL practices to measure the impact of training and coaching activities on teacher and service provider skill development. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9:00am – 10:00am.


The Communications Workgroup is responsible for developing and implementing a shared communications system to further the strategic goals of the Coalition and promote early childhood messaging and best practices.  Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month from 9:00am – 10:30am.

Screenings & Closed Loop Referrals

The Screening Workgroup is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the established system for child development and caregiver depression screenings, and for piloting a closed loop referral system (Unite Us). Meets the 2nd Monday of each month from 10:15am – 11:30am.

Family Leadership

The Family Leadership Workgroup is responsible for clearly defining authentic family leadership in systems design and improvement, coordinating with established parent leaders, and developing a structure to include parents and caregivers in the development and implementation of all Coalition strategies. Meetings are the 2nd Monday of each month.

Policy & Funders 

The Policy & Funders Workgroup is responsible for developing and implementing ways to advance policies that benefit young children and families, and for improving coordination among those who provide funding for children and families in Coös County. Meets the 4th Monday of each month from 9:30am – 11:00am.

Fun with Data 

The Fun with Data Workgroup is responsible for developing an evaluation plan and shared data collection system (Insight Vision) for all Coalition partners. Meetings are scheduled as needed.