February 17-21, 2025

International Symposium on Community-centric Systems and Robots 2025 (CcSR 2025)


Hino, Tokyo JAPAN

Contact us


Venue: Bldg. 6, Hino campus, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.

Please click here to see the program

Oral session 3, 14:30-16:00 (Japan time) on 18 Feb, is hybrid.

Please join from the following Zoom link


Meeting ID: 993 9677 8429                          Pass code: 799489

The banquet will be held at "北海道 八王子店" from 18:00

Recently, the importance of community-centric systems (CcS) is increasing as a new paradigm in a highly aging society. The emerging synthesis of ICT and robot technology (RT) is one of the most promising approaches towards information support for the next generation in both personal and public areas. Human-centric systems (HcS) can enhance the accessibility and usability of complicated systems and devices supporting human activities, communication, and interactions. Furthermore, the HcS can improve quality of life (QOL), in particular, information support, physical care, and mental care to maintain autonomy and independence in activities of daily living. If the improvement of QOL is done by the bottom-up construction, QOC can be considered as a top-down constraint to human daily life.


The presenter can make a research presentation without submitting a paper. If you submit your paper, we will include it in our proceedings. All rights reserved by the authors. 

Submission form 

Online Presentation fee: Free

Registration form is open

Please register until 12 Feb.

Topics of interest

  • Robotics
  • Mechatronics
  • Human sensing
  • Machine Learning
  • Cognitive development
  • Recommender system
  • 5G network
  • IoT

But are not limited. we welcome various research for components of community-centric systems.






* The participant can make a research presentation without paper submission. 

** Submitted papers will be included in the proceedings. All rights reserved by the authors. 


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Ahmad Lotfi

Prof. János Botzheim

Prof. Lieu-Hen Chen

Prof.  Matthias Rätsch

Invited talk 

Prof. Kurnianingsih

Prof. Sou Nobukawa

Prof. Kazushi Ikeda

Prof. Kazuhiro Sakamoto

International Committees


General Chair:

General co-Chairs:

Program Chairs:

Financial Chairs:

Publicity Chairs:

Organizing Committee


Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hino Campus