Artificial Intelligence, global differences and inequalities: challenges and responsibilities for researchers, innovators and civil society 

About this event


The AI Global Governance Group of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility / De Montfort University, in partnership with the RRING Community Network, invite you to this interactive online workshop. The workshop will explore the challenges and responsibilities that arise from the development and (commercial) use of AI in a context of socio-economic inequalities as well as differences in cultural values, political systems, regulation, scientific capacities, and other factors. 


The objectives of the workshop are as follows: 


The workshop will combine presentations of invited speakers from around the world and interactive discussion with the audience, including in breakout groups.


AGENDA (in GMT): 28th April 2022


12.30-12.40: Welcome & Introduction 


Gordon Dalton | PLOCAN, RRING Community Network

Welcome Note


Achim Rosemann | AI-GGG, CCSR, De Montfort University

Workshop Introduction


12.40-13.00: Keynote presentations - UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics 


Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem | Chairperson of the UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Ethics of AI 

Introductory overview of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI 


13.00-14.10: Session I - Ethical and governance challenges of AI: perspectives from around the world (Session Chair: Caroline Khene) 


13:00-13:10: Presentation 1 - Brazil | Cynthia Picolo, Laboratory of Public Policy and Internet, Brasília


13:10-13:20: Presentation 2 - China | Jinghan Zeng, Lancaster University


13:20-13:30: Presentation 3 - India | Smriti Parsheera, CyberBRICS project and IIT Delhi


13:30-13:40: Presentation 4 - Egypt | Samah El-Kahteeb, Ain Shams University, Cairo 


13:40-13:50: Presentation 5 - Nigeria | Damian Eke, DMU 


13:50-14:00: Presentation 6 - Colombia | Daniel Castano, Universidad Externado de Colombia 


14:00-14:10: Questions to presenters


14.10-15.10: Session II - Exploring the responsibilities of innovators, companies & civil society – Breakout Group Session


14.50-15.10: Session IIb - Plenary Discussion: responsibilities of innovators, 


15.10-15.20: Coffee Break


15.20-16.30: Session III International responses to achieve ethical and just AI: approaches & case studies (Session Chair: Mayen Cunden)


15:20-15:30: Presentation 1 - Caitlin Corrigan, Responsible AI Africa


15:30-15:40: Presentation 2 - Abhishek Gupta, Montreal AI Ethics Institute, and Microsoft


15:40-15:50: Presentation 3 - Gabriella Razzano, OpenUP and African AI Observatory


15:50-16:00: Presentation 4 - Soledad Magnone, JAAKLAC Initiative 


16:00-16:10: Presentation 5 - Jamila Venturini, Derechos Digitales, Executive Director 


16:10-16:20: Presentation 6 - Norberto Nuno Gomes De Andrade, Open Loop & Global policy lead for Digital and AI Ethics for Facebook


16:20-16:30: Questions to presenters


16.30-16.50: Plenary Discussion: Possibilities for joint-research, knowledge exchange, collective action and activism