Case Study 2 -- Binutils

The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools widely used in GNU/Linux. We use this to demonstrate how to use Hakweye to fuzz with binaries with a given build script. In this case, we deal with the CVE-2016-4487 case, where the target site is according to the bug report page.

  • Get Binutils-2.26 source code
mkdir 4487
export INFO_DIR=$PWD/4487
wget && tar xf binutils-2.26.tar.gz
export SRC_DIR=$PWD/binutils-2.26
  • Prepare "llvm.toml" and "" in $INFO_DIR:

# llvm.toml

infile = ""
out_dir = "."
proj_name = "binutils-4487"
dist_file = "bb.dist"


  • Preprocessing with he-pp
export CFLAGS="-Wno-error -g $HE_FLAGS"
export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-error -g $HE_FLAGS"
export LDFLAGS="-ldl"
../configure --disable-shared --disable-werror --prefix=$PWD/install
make -j

There will be an LLVM Bitcode file "cxxfilt.0.0.preopt.bc".

  • Analyze the bitcode with ""
cp cxxfilt.0.0.preopt.bc $INFO_DIR
opt-6.0 -mem2reg -load /usr/local/lib/hawkeye/ -he-conf ./llvm.toml -he-analyze ./cxxfilt.0.0.preopt.bc -o /dev/null
  • Generate distances:
he-dists -b ./cxxfilt.0.0.preopt.bc -i $PWD
  • Compile and Instrument
export HE_FLAGS="-he-conf=$INFO_DIR/llvm.toml"
make clean
export CFLAGS="-Wno-error -g $HE_FLAGS"
export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-error -g $HE_FLAGS"
export LDFLAGS="-ldl"
../configure --disable-shared --disable-werror --prefix=$PWD/install
  • Map function traces:
he-funcs extract -p binutils-4487
he-funcs score -d funcs.dist -m funcs.txt -p proj_trace_funcs.json -o trace_funcs.json
  • Specify configuration for fuzzing:
in_folder = "in"
out_folder = "out"

use_forkserver = true
mem_limit = 200
timeout = 50
qemu_mode = false

trace_func_file = "trace_funcs.json"
callgraph_file = "callgraph.yaml"
tgt_func_file = "tgt_funcs.txt"

proj_name = "binutils-4487"
interval = 2000
url = "redis://"
log_entry_info = false

# for simple regular case calibration
normal_cycles = 7
# for variable behaviors calibration
var_behavior_cycles = 37

ck_redundant_file = false

# ops = ["det", "dict", "havoc", "splice"]
# ops = ["havoc", "splice", "sem"]
max_file_length = 128
#dict_folder = "dicts_test"
dict_level = 0
# max_token_length: 64
# min_token_length: 2
# max_dict_size: 256
# in minutes
havoc_adjust_duration = 12

workers = 1
bind_cpu = false
# "normal"/"crash"
keep_mode = "normal"
# "simple"/...
scorer = "simple"
exit_nonzero_as_crash = false
ignored_signals = []

# in minutes
report_duration = 3

duration = 200
execs = 5
  • Run the fuzzer:
mkdir in
echo "" > in/file
he-fuzz -c ./Config.toml -- $SRC_DIR/binutils/cxxfilt
# cxxfilt accepts input from stdin