On July 1 we had a writing session all about DONKEYS, "wise fools" among the animals! Yes, the donkeys have their own Donkey Padlet, full of stories,  and now we are writing a collaborative donkey-story script: please feel free to join in! We'll perform the play for our final session on August 1.

Meanwhile, we'll have another reader's theater session on July 15:  we'll workshop one or two of the donkey pieces that are ready to read, and hopefully we'll have some time to do more writing also!

Welcome to READERS THEATER for MYFest24!

We have four sessions scheduled this year: one each month in May, June, July, and August

The countdown widgets should show you the date/time in your time zone. 

If you have requests and/or suggestions, please let Laura know; you can reach her at laurakgibbs@gmail.com

For more about MYFest, see the MYFest24 website. There's also a #readers-theater channel in the MYFest Slack.

Session 1. Getting started. Thursday, May 30, 10AM Eastern.

In our first synchronous meet-up we talked about our experiences with readers theater in the past, along with some ideas about the kinds of plays we could read this summer. 

To introduce the theme of "Wise Fools" (which is an asynch storytelling track for MYFest; find out more: Wisdom of Fools), we then read a play about the Puerto Rican folk hero Juan Bobo:

We hope everybody will want to come back and read some more in our next session, which will be on Monday, June 24.


Session 2. Monday, June 24.

For our second session, we performed these wise fool" scripts: one script from Heather, one script from Jim, and one script from Laura... and yes, Heather's script features some music too! Here are all three scripts:

Session 3. Monday, July 15.

Details TBD.

Session 4. Thursday, August 1.

Details TBD.