CC-Licensed Folktale Readers Theater
This website is a repository for CC-BY licensed scripts for readers theater that come from the folktale traditions of the world. These scripts are free for you to copy, adapt, remix, rewrite, and transform based on your own inspiration; my only request is that you credit the source — Laura Gibbs at — so that others can find their way here too.
Click at the top left to reveal the site menu if it is not visible, and you can click here for the table of contents. Most of the plays now have audio recordings, which I hope will make the scripts even more useful for English language learners.
You can also find free Online Resources for additional readers theater scripts, just a click away at the Internet Archive.
Thank you for your interest, and if you have readers theater scripts that you would like to contribute to their project, let me know. You can find me at Twitter (@OnlineCrsLady) or by email: You can find out more about Readers Theater here: Open the Language Classroom Curtains to Readers Theater. The article is embedded below: