1st Hellenic Conference of Cross-Cultural Psychology

10-11 March 2023, Komotini, Greece

Abstract submission

The scientific programme of the conference consists of invited keynote lectures, symposia, oral sessions, and poster sessions. The abstract submission deadline is 20 November 2022.

All submitted abstracts will undergo a blind review process by the members of the scientific committee. Authors will be informed of the results of the review process until 15 December 2022.


Each symposium lasts 90 minutes and can include 3-4 oral papers. Each paper presentation should be no more than 15 minutes long to ensure sufficient time for discussion. All symposia should have a discussant. The symposium organizer is responsible for submitting the proposal and informing all symposium contributors of the results of the review process.

Symposium submission form

Oral papers

Individual oral papers are grouped into thematic sessions. A thematic session lasts 90 minutes. It can host 4-5 oral presentations of approximately 10-15 minutes each, in order to allow time for questions and discussion.

Oral paper submission form

Poster presentations

Individual posters are grouped into poster sessions. Each poster session has a dedicated time slot in the conference programme. Presenting authors are responsible for hanging and dismantling their poster. They are also encouraged to interact with participants who are interested in their work during a poster session. Valid poster size is 85 cm wide to 120 cm long.

Poster submission form