The Schedule

Thursday, November 12

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Procedural Generation as Creative Coding in Games
Tyler Coleman, Founder, Retora Games &
Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin, Arts & Entertainment Technology

In this talk, Tyler will cover the ways that game developers use creative coding practices in the form of "procedural generation" in games. We'll look at the ways game developers approach challenges of generation, the various scopes of content generation, and a glimpse into the 'algorithm toolbox' used in game development. Included in this toolbox, we'll look at Wave Function Collapse, wang tiles, voronoi generation, perlin noise, grammars, and more. This talk is geared towards intro creative coders with interest in applying their knowledge into interactive, playable spaces.

Tyler Coleman has functioned as an independent game developer over the past 8 years. This includes work as a designer, programmer, producer, business manager, and more. His recent success was with the game Merchant, reaching over a million downloads on iOS, Android, and Steam. He's spoken at multiple events, including Game Developers Conference (GDC), PAX Dev, and more. His passions include procedural generation, rapid prototyping, algorithmic art, simulation, and education.