September 11-13, 2023

Challenges in Continuous Optimization and its Applications:
Celebrating Marc Teboulle’s 70th Birthday 

at Tel-Aviv University

A three-day workshop of talks, discussions, and research,
with leading researchers in the areas of continuous optimization
on the occasion of Marc Teboulle's 70th birthday. 

The workshop will focus on the theory and algorithms for solving continuous optimization problems, both convex and nonconvex, as-well as their applications in a variety of contexts.  The topics of the workshop include: 

 Marc Teboulle

Marc has made numerous pioneering and outstanding contributions to broad areas in optimization and its connection to various other mathematical areas and scientific applications. We are excited to celebrate his 70th birthday by gathering leading researchers in the areas of continuous optimization highlighting recent advances in theory, algorithms and applications, and to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and to discuss new trends and challenges in the optimization discipline and its broad applications.


The workshop will take place at the Shapell  Building, Room 127, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel 

Let us know if you'll be attending!


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