Draft Letter of Support

On behalf of project organizers, I am writing to let you know about the Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP), and an upcoming application for IMLS funding for which we would like to request letters of support. The project, which is being led by NISO as lead applicant, together with Lehigh University Libraries and PALCI, along with partnership from a number of our organizations represented within the library/ publishing / technology community was invited to submit a full grant proposal to IMLS by March 25.

This project began with a series of community conversations designed to identify shared collaborative collections needs throughout the pandemic and aims to build an inclusive community and the needed structures to support practical means of library collections data interoperability and sharing.

If you are interested in seeing this project move forward with funding from IMLS, please consider writing a letter of support by March 21.

Template Letter of Support (You are encouraged to download and modify this template as needed)

Your letters of support need not commit your organization financially or in other respects, but will provide your perspective and urge IMLS to consider funding this initiative. Please contact me directly with any questions.

Please send your letters of support to me at jill@palci.org, with Subject line: CCLP Support.

Kind regards,

Jill Morris