
Courses and Responsibilities

The Environmental Leadership Program at the Univeristy of Oregon teaches aspiring students to be environmental educators by partnering with community organizations and applying gained skills and knowledge into the field. My team partnered with the Willamette-Laja Twinning Partnership to work on their youth program, Aves Compartidas. This program helps connect students in the Willamette Valley in Oregon with those in Guanajuato, Mexico through shared migratory birds. With this, not only are cross-cultural connections made but students also create relationships with nature through a new found awareness and care for birds and their environments. My role within this team was to facilitate smooth teaching with fourth grade students at River Road Elementary School. I created curriculum, activities and materials in order for faciitation to be successful. Also fpr the team I was the school and community partner liaison, being the point of communication with the school's principal as well as our friends at the Willamette-Laja Twinning Partnership. My other main role for the team was being the photographer. Whenever I wasn't teaching I was taking photos of my teammates in action, working with the students.

Photo I took of my teammate in action with 3rd graders

Photo I took of a Western Tanager, one of our species highlights

Photo I took of a 3rd grader coloring her hummingbird habitat

One of the eggs with a clue I made for the 4th grade quest

Sample Materials

Grade 4 Week 1_ ¡Bienvenidos a Aves Compartidas!.docx.pdf
Grade 4 Week 6_ ¡Vamos a una búsqueda!.pdf