Local Endorsements

God is glorified when families thrive, and life is cherished. Both of these can be inhibited, however, when local governments carelessly implement policies that make it difficult to honor God and easier to flout His judgments. It is, therefore, critical to fill school boards and select boards with men and women who hold fast to Biblical principles.

To that end, the Christian Civic League of Maine is now offering endorsements to local candidates. If a local candidate agrees with us on issues that affect religious freedom, parental rights, and Judeo-Christian ethics, and aligns themselves publicly with the values laid out in Scripture, we will endorse their candidacy.

If you are a local candidate who would like to be endorsed, please fill out this form.

School Board Candidates Endorsed by the CCL
Regina Leonard (Endorsed in April 2024)

--Hermon, ME School Department

Marilyn Amoroso (Endorsed in September 2024)

--Gorham, ME School Department

Municipal Candidates Endorsed by the CCL

Hilari K Simmons (Endorsed in May 2024)

--Penobscot County, Register of Probate

School Board candidates must agree with the following:

Municipal candidates must agree with the following:

For more information on how to become involved, e-mail Mike McClellan at policy@cclmaine.org.

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