Sign-up Instructions for Student Audience Participation in the RP Convention

Research Paper Convention/Spring 2023

Sign Up Instructions for the RP Convention.


*Please DO NOT sign up for the day you are presenting.

*Please Note: The names that are already shown on the sign-up schedule are those of the presenters.

*If you see your name in that row, please DO NOT sign up for that category.

     5. Please remember that there is a limited quota reserved for student participants for     

         each section. 

        *Please fill in your names and select your sections on the Google Form.

        *Please find another section to participate in if the section you intend to sign up for    

        is full.

       *Please DO NOT sign up for the presentations that already have 8 students who    

         have signed up as audience members. If you select those presentations, you will 

        be assigned to other presentations scheduled for the same day.

      7. The sign-up results will be posted on this website around Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

RP Convention Schedule Third Draft

RP Convention Schedule and Abstracts

Please read the schedule and students' abstracts carefully.