The Clinton Topper was established in 1938 by local businessmen Harold W Napper, a grocery store owner, and Jack Dalton an implement dealer. ย The Editor was C. A. "Cam" McMullen, and the paper flourished becoming the only news source in the community after the Clinton Times-Observer ceased publication in 1941. The paper changed hands several times over the years, with William Rust, Don and Betty Walrath, Herb Miller and his wife Joyce, and Fred Wagner owning and operating it. ย 

The Clinton Toppers are listed by Year/Month. Within the month are the individual weekly issues published each Thursday of that month.ย  Not all of the issues are available and some pages have had clippings cut out of them.ย  Because we are working with bound volumes, the images may not capture all the text on each page.

We will be continuing to add to this archive as processing is being completed.

1952: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Julย  Augย  Sep ย Oct ย Nov ย Dec

1954: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Julย  Augย  Sep ย Oct ย Nov ย Dec

1960: ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Jun ย Julย  Augย  Sepย  Octย  Novย  Dec

1961: ย Janย  Feb ย Mar ย Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sep ย Oct ย ย Novย  Dec

1963: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sep ย Oct ย Novย  Dec

1964: ย Janย  Feb ย Mar ย Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sep ย Oct ย Novย  Dec

1966: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec
1967: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec
1968: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec
1969: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Aprย  Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec

1970: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Apr ย Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec

1979: ย Janย  Febย  Marย  Apr ย Mayย  Junย  Jul ย Augย  Sepย  Oct ย Nov ย Dec