
2021 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會

2021 AOGS

Session IG05:  Identification, Mapping, Monitoring and Forecasting of Landslide and Erosion Processes

Rainfall intensity increase due to climate change, as well as earthquakes with high potential are triggering worldwide and particularly in south-east Asia shallow and deep-seated landslides and erosion processes, posing serious threats to structure, infrastructure and to the population. New approaches and technologies to identify, map, monitor and forecast landslides will contribute significantly to properly characterize and to mitigate landslide risk. This session is proposed to examine issues of appropriate methods or surrogates to identify and detect any existed or possible landslide and erosion processes in the field, but also to identify methodologies and tools for landslide integrated risk assessment and early warning system (EWS) in a multi-hazard framework (MHF) at slope, catchment and regional scales. Potential concept and practices based on the science and engineering measures are encouraged to reveal along with their ability to cope with heterogeneous sources of data, including static and dynamic physical and societal sparse and big data, without standard formats and procedures. Contributions aimed at evaluating the uncertainties associated to the analysis aforementioned are welcomed.

2021 工程永續與土木防災研討會


民生公共物聯網資料應用競賽 第三名

青蛙科技 — 整合氣象與淹水觀測資料於淹水預報之商業應用

為提供高速高準確性的淹水預報,青蛙科技整合氣象與淹水觀測資料,建立淹水預報的商業應用模式。其導入的 3Di 淹水模式,可提升準確性與節省大量計算資源,並搭配Maple定量降雨預報與Lizard 巨量資料分析,進行在地化修改,最後再輔以其他地圖資料,開發各種應變分析工具,以提供做為災前整備、災中應變與災後分析的決策協助工具。

2020 Innovation Expo


2020 Site visiting

2019 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society

11th Tokyo Tech-NCU Student Symposium

20181105~1107 ICSE

20181026 Setting monitoring system at Chaiyi 

2018 The 17th ICCEE

Dalian University of Technology,China

2018 Taiwan and Japan paper exchange meeting

2018 9/6 Miaoli use UAV monitoring bridge

 2018 Course: Environment and Disaster Monitoring Practice - Final report.

AOGS 15th Annual Meeting