Our Values

Mutual Aid

We work in solidarity, not charity. We believe every individual has different needs that benefit from, and gifts that are beneficial to, the community as a whole. We work to strengthen our community by uplifting each other’s unique skills, voices and needs. We encourage vulnerability, reciprocity and self care as we help and accept help from one another. 

Self Determination

We work to affirm the dignity, agency, and autonomy of everyone we are in community with by avoiding assumptions about each others' feelings, experiences, preferences, and needs. We create space to ask questions, to listen to answers, to seek understanding, to grieve individually and collectively, and to gain consent before making any decisions that impact one another. 


We function as a network of feminist, anti-racist, equally valued individuals, collectively working together without anyone asserting authority over another. We acknowledge the pervasiveness of systems and mindsets of hierarchy all around us, and resolve instead to operate democratically, honoring and empowering one another, and amplifying the voices of all those who have stakes in the decisions being made. We understand the intentionality that this requires, and the ongoing necessity for clear, thorough, and respectful communication between us all.


We work to create systems of transformation and care and renounce systems of punishment. We support the abolition of all forms of incarceration and detention that are used to harm and oppress targeted communities. We support the decriminalization of migration and liberation of all persons.

Capacity and Trust

Our capacity is determined by the people within the collective and our relationships, not by outside forces. We recognize the urgency that may be created externally and thoughtfully consider tradeoffs and communicate/model slowing down with one another. We reject conditions that encourage overwork and strive towards sustainable practices. 

Abundance and Joy

We believe in joy and abundance, and reject fear and scarcity mindsets. There is enough for everyone, and it is a delight to strengthen our community through sharing our resources. Our joy is an act of liberation.


We aspire to develop structures that allow everyone to participate in our collective rather than recreate environments built for the temporarily able. We strive to unlearn internalized ableism by checking in regularly to think about how to become more inclusive for those with different access needs.  We encourage diversity of modes of communication and participation.