Theory and Applications for 

Optimal Control and Generative Models

August 7-9, 2024, Purdue 

Optimal transport and mean-field control problems are widely used in many practical problems in engineering, physics, financial mathematics, and machine learning.  The elegant theory of transporting measures has deep connections with analysis and probability, while it also relates to the mean-field control, large deviations, and generative models  which explore the macroscopic behaviors of a large number of agents/samples. The associated computational methods for optimal transport, mean-field control and related applications in data science are developed at dramatic speed, which also in turn stimulate theoretical foundations. This workshop brings junior and senior researchers together to exchange fundamental mathematical ideas and recent developments in the field. 

Organizers: Yuan Gao and Rongjie Lai, Purdue University

This workshop is supported by Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics at Purdue University.


Confirmed Speakers

University of Maryland

University of California, Irvine

Purdue University

University of Chicago

Duke University

University of Minnesota

University of Wisconsin–Madison

University of California, Los Angeles

University of Wisconsin–Madison

University of Minnesota

Duke University

Georgia Institute of Technology

The Venue: All the presentations will be in WALC B091, 340 Centennial Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN