Our Services

Who We Are

The Open Educational Resources (OER) Lab is a student-run service that supports Centennial College staff in creating, adapting or remixing OERs. We are looking for a mix of projects; OERs can range from the creation of H5P activities to the development/adaptation of an OER textbook.

The purpose of the OER Lab is to provide valuable experiential learning opportunities to our students and recent graduates, while also supporting and advocating for the use of OERs across Centennial College. We believe that the use of OERs is the first step in enhancing the "openness" of our classrooms, where students can become creators of knowledge, not just consumers of it.

The Lab will be managed by CFDTI Faculty (OER Lab Leads) who will support both OER Lab students and staff in ensuring project requirements are met.

What We Offer

The OER Lab will support a wide range of OER projects including, but not limited to:

  • Adapting* or remixing** of an existing OER

  • Creation of a new OER

  • Multimedia creation and video editing

  • Supplemental/ancillary resource creation (e.g., slide shows, question/exam banks, interactive elements with H5P)

  • Ensuring or enhancing the accessibility of an OER

  • Publishing a new or adapted OER to an open forum (e.g. eCampus Open Library)

  • Workshops on OER-related topics such as Pressbooks and Creative Commons Licences.

*adapting: includes, but is not limited to, updating the existing OER with current information, adding relevant examples (e.g. Canadian examples), adding media and/or interactive elements, adding practice questions, addressing diversity needs, enhancing accessibility, creating question banks, etc.

**remixing: involves combining sections of multiple OER to make a customized resource

Do you have an OER you'd like us to help with? Read more information about how to work with us.

If you have any questions about our services, contact us at OERLab@centennialcollege.ca.