Introduction to PYTHON

In this video we will learn that what is Python?

Understanding Python Execution Modes

In this video you will learn about Python Execution Modes and Difference between them. 

Python First Program - Sum of Number

Understanding Python Tokens

In this video you will learn what are tokens? 

Python Keywords in less than 2 minutes

In this video you will understand python keywords easily in detail 

Understanding Python Identifiers Easily

In this video you will learn about identifiers and the rules to name identifiers 

Python Data Types are Easy to Understand

In less than 2 minutes you will understand the concept of Data Type 

What are Python Variables?

Understand Variables and How they Work in this Video. 

Assigning Values to Variable and Type Function

In this video you will get answer to these questions.

What are the various methods to assign values to the variable? What is a Type Function? 

Using Input Function Part-1

In this video you will learn what is an input function?

Using Input Function Part-2

Understand what is Explicit Data Type Casting which we use in Input function for numbers.

Learn Using Print Function in 4 Minutes

You will learn how to use print function in your program and how to get formatted results using print function

Using Input Function Part-3 

In this video you will learn how to use input function to fetch an number from user.

Sum of Two Numbers Using Input & Print Function

In this video you will learn to make program of Sum of Two Numbers using Input and Print Function.

Area & Perimeter of Rectangle - Input Print Function

In this video you will learn to calculate area and perimeter of Rectangle in the same program

Simple Interest Using Input & Print Function Python

In this video you will learn to make program of Simple Interest in Python

Easily Differentiate between Expression & Statement

In this video you will learn to Differentiate between Expression & Statement easily.

Learn Arithmetic Operators in Python 

In this video you will learn about various arithmetic operators used in python.

How Associativity & Precedence Works in Python

In this video you will learn to use Associativity & Precedence correctly in Python Programming.

How Relational Operators Works in Python

In this video you will learn how to use relational operators in Python Programming

Introduction NumPy Array

Topics Covered are

Creating 1D and 2D Array

Indexing and Slicing NumPy Array

1D and 2D Numpy Array Sorting

Split, Reshape & Concatenate Array

In this video you will learn

Attribute, Arithmetic Statistical Operations

Topics Covered are

1. NumPy attributes

- ndim, size, shape, dtype, itemsize

2. Arithmetic operations on one dimensional and two-dimensional arrays

- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Matrix Multiplication, Division, Modulo, Exponentiation

3. Statistical operations on one dimensional and two-dimensional arrays

- Calculating max, min, sum, mean, median, standard deviation, variance on NumPy arrays.