cB Rules ⚠️

Community rules.

The rules governing the operation of coinBusiness are adopted and approved based on the values declared by the community. Inviolable values cB is a person,his safe life, his health, mind and intellect, his money and property, free will, his honor and dignity; national identity, customs, traditions, the right to choose. This also includes freedom of opinion and belief, culture, spirituality and human religion.

Any activity will be checked against the above values before we approve or support it.

Deals conducted using the resources of coinBusiness (cB) must not be related to nudity, erotica; drugs, alcohol; bookmakers, casinos, loans with a profit. 

And, also, any activity against a person, causing harm and damage to a person’s life, his health, his mind and intellect .
It is not allowed to cause damage / loss to a person's money, his property, including any material and digital values.

 Content that offends the honor of a person and his dignity, his culture, freedom of opinion, religion, including any discredit is not allowed!

We support publicity and free expression of opinion about us, our team and the coinByusiness project.   On all cB pages in social networks, channels and forums.   Also, we appreciate your advice to improve the cB service.

The cB team does not have the right to edit or delete user comments!

If the comment is not related to cB activities, or violates the rules, the page administrator must submit a statement to the community and hold a vote.   When the community votes to remove a comment violating cB's rules, it may be removed.
There should be a public entry in the cB news about this.

cB does not support trading in cryptocurrencies.