About the CBP3 Technical Assistance Project

The Department of Ecology (ECOLOGY) is working with a consulting team to build local government capacity for stormwater Community-Based Public-Private (CBP3) development and implementation in Washington State through outreach and technical assistance services. 

Objectives: To make stormwater CBP3s more accessible to local governments across Washington State, the team will work with Ecology to: 

The Consulting Team

Environmental Incentives

Purpose: Our purpose is to create the conditions for human and natural communities to thrive. We do this by helping our partners improve the performance of conservation and development programs.

Role: Prime contractor and lead consultant on CBP3 project, responsible for overall project management and delivery. 

Herrera Environmental Consultants

About: Our goal is to work with our clients to create economic vitality and community in a sustaining environment.

Role: Procurement and application assistance lead, providing insight grounded in relationships with Washington stormwater programs, leading technical assistance for local government pilot projects (Task 4), and providing direct support to governments applying for CBP3 funding (Task 7). 

Corvias Infrastructure Solutions

Purpose: Our purpose is to create climate-resilient, equitable cities. Since 2015, we have delivered some of our nation’s largest urban greening programs that provide access to opportunities for local, small, disadvantaged businesses, and environmental literacy for members of the community.

Role: Contribute insight and expertise developed across the country, particularly in the realms of procurement (Task 4), performance contracting, RFPs, and partnership models (Task 5). 

The Vida Agency

About: The Vida Agency is a woman and minority-owned, full-service multicultural communications company with a deep fluency in the nuances of cultural competence. We work with diverse communities on behalf of private enterprise and public agencies.

Role: Communications and outreach lead, responsible for overseeing principles of equity and inclusion are upheld in the project. 

Storm and Stream Solutions

About: Storm and Stream Solutions is a small business that provides cutting-edge services in areas ranging from policy and economic research of alternative project delivery approaches, market-based frameworks and funding/financing options associated with green stormwater infrastructure to technical aspects of water resources projects to adult education development and delivery in the stormwater and stream assessment/restoration sectors.

Role: Provide national-level insight and expert guidance to the CBP3 Learning Network (Task 2) and inform procurement processes (Task 5).