Chungbuk National University
Biochemical Engineering Laboratory
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NMN 안티에이징 리포좀 크림 제품 출시 (2024.10.8)
- 실험실에서 개발한 기술을 토대로 NMN 항노화 리포좀 크림을 출시하였습니다.
- 하버드 대학 David Sinclair 교수 저서 '노화의 종말'에 소개된 항노화제 NMN을 세포와 닮은 리포좀으로 감싸 NMN의 변질문제를 해결하고 안정성과 피부 흡수도를 향상시킨 제품입니다.
- 기존의 NMN 단순 함유 제품은 시간이 지남에 따라 NMN 순도가 급격히 감소하여 활성이 사라지며, 피부 장벽 안쪽으로 잘 흡수되지 않습니다. 본 제품은 NMN 리포좀을 제조하여 이 문제를 해결하였습니다.
- 본 제품의 공인인증기관 피부임상시험 결과, 4주 후 피부 밝기 10.6% 개선, 주름 개선 8.75%, 보습 개선 50.29%, 안면볼 리프팅 32.38% 개선 효과를 검증하였습니다.
- 기능성 물질 양대 산맥인 나이아신아마이드, 아데노신과 NMN 리포좀 10%를 함유한 미백, 주름 개선 이중 기능성 제품입니다.
바이오케미랩 NMN 안티에이징 리포좀 크림 50ml : 바이오케미랩 (
세계 상위 2% 과학자 선정
Prof. Beom Soo Kim is on the list representing the top 2% of the most cited scientists in various disciplines published by Stanford University research team (Ioannidis et al. (2020) PLoS Biol 18(10), e3000918).
August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"
Biotechnology subfield; Top 0.15% (2nd among Korean scholars) during the single calendar year 2023; Top 0.25% (4th among Korean scholars) for carrier-long citation impact.
ScholarGPS® Highly Ranked Scholar - Lifetime 선정 (Bioprocess engineering 분야 세계 3위, Top 0.01%)
바이오케미랩 (BIOCHEMI LAB) 창업 (2021.12.28)
바이오케미랩은 그래핀, 나노입자, 항노화제 NMN 등을 생산하는 친환경 나노·바이오 소재 전문 기업입니다.
20여년간 충북대학교 화학공학과에 근무하면서 축적한 연구결과를 사업화하여 고용창출, 국가 및 지역경제 발전에 기여하고자 2021년 12월 바이오케미랩을 창업하게 되었습니다.
Biochemi Lab is an eco-friendly nano/bio material company that produces graphene, nanoparticles, and anti-aging agent NMN.
In December 2021, Biochemi Lab was founded in order to contribute to job creation and national/regional economic development by commercializing research results accumulated while working at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Chungbuk National University for more than 20 years.
충북대 화학공학과 김이수 학생 국제학술지 'Chemical Engineering Journal' 논문 게재 (2024.12.23)
충북대 화학공학과 김이수/이영문/오원균 씨 충북지역혁신플랫폼 캡스톤디자인 경진대회 대상 수상 (2024.5.23)
BK21FOUR-GALAXIA 연구역량 최우수교원 수상 (2021.9.28, 2023.9.26)
충북대학교 이달의 연구자 수상 (2023.2)
[김범수 교수] 친환경 소재 'PHA' 상용화.. : 네이버블로그 (
충북대 화학공학과 김범수 교수 연구팀 BRIC '한국을 빛내는 사람들' 선정 (2023.10.26)
화학공학과 김범수 교수 연구팀, Green Chemistry 뒷 표지논문 게재 (2021.7.27)
화학공학과 데시무크 아르티씨, 인도에서 열린 국제학회서 최우수 논문상 수상 (2021.7.20)
Recent publications in the top 10% journals:
Isu Kim, Beom Soo Kim (2025) “Production of liposome loaded with nicotinamide mononucleotide using Taylor-Couette reactor”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 504, 158703 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Yingjie Bu, Beom Soo Kim (2024) “Green production of functionalized few-layer borophene decorated with cerium-doped iron oxide nanoparticles for repeatable hydrogen peroxide detection”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 260, 116448 (IF 10.7, 2.4%).
Lalit Goswami, Anamika Kushwaha, Pathikrit Saha, Beom Soo Kim (2024) “A novel integrated membrane bioreactor-stirred tank bioreactor system for simultaneous biodegradation of bisphenol A contaminated wastewater and biopolyol production: An approach towards circular bioeconomy“, Chemical Engineering Journal, 490, 151740 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Saroj Raj Kafle, Anamika Kushwaha, Lalit Goswami, Anoth Maharjan, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “A holistic approach for process intensification of nicotinamide mononucleotide production via high cell density cultivation under exponential feeding strategy”, Bioresource Technology, 390, 129911 (IF 9.7, 2.5%).
Yingjie Bu, Ha Kyeong Kim, Jin Seong Lee, Hyeon Gyu Jang, Ju Hui Jeong, Seung Woo Chun, Mukesh Sharma, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “Improvement of biodegradable polymer film properties by incorporating functionalized few-layer graphene”, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 40, 101205 (IF 8.5, 4.3%).
Wriju Kargupta, Saroj Raj Kafle, Youngmoon Lee, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “One-pot treatment of Saccharophagus degradans for polyhydroxyalkanoate production from brown seaweed”, Bioresource Technology, 385, 129392 (IF 9.7, 2.5%).
Lalit Goswami, Anamika Kushwaha, Suchada Chanprateep Napathorn, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “Valorization of organic wastes using bioreactors for polyhydroxyalkanoate production: Recent advancement, sustainable approaches, challenges, and future perspectives”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 247, 125743 (IF 7.7, 5.9%).
Minseong Kim, Mamata S. Singhvi, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “Eco-friendly and rapid one-step fermentable sugar production from raw lignocellulosic biomass using enzyme mimicking nanomaterials: A novel cost-effective approach to biofuel production“, Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, 142879 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Anamika Kushwaha, Lalit Goswami, Mamata Singhvi, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “Biodegradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate): Mechanistic insights, advances, and future innovative strategies“, Chemical Engineering Journal, 457, 141230 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Chanin Khomlaem, Hajer Aloui, Mamata Singhvi, Beom Soo Kim (2023) “Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and astaxanthin from lignocellulosic biomass in high cell density membrane bioreactor“, Chemical Engineering Journal, 451, 138641 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Mamata Singhvi, Beom Soo Kim (2022) “Green hydrogen production through consolidated bioprocessing of lignocellulosic biomass using nanobiotechnology approach”, Bioresource Technology, 365, 128108 (IF 9.7, 2.5%).
Hajer Aloui, Chanin Khomlaem, Cristiana A.V. Torres, Filomena Freitas, Maria A.M. Reis, Beom Soo Kim (2022) “Enhanced co-production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates and phenazines from crude glycerol by high cell density cultivation of Pseudomonas chlororaphis in membrane bioreactor”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 211, 545-555 (IF 7.7, 5.9%).
Aarti R. Deshmukh, Pritam Kumar Dikshit, Beom Soo Kim (2022) “Green in situ immobilization of gold and silver nanoparticles on bacterial nanocellulose film using Punica granatum peels extract and their application as reusable catalysts”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 205, 169-177 (IF 7.7, 5.9%).
Farzaneh Sabbagh, Ida Idayu Muhamad, Razieh Niazmand, Pritam Kumar Dikshit, Beom Soo Kim (2022) “Recent progress in polymeric non-invasive insulin delivery”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 203, 222-243 (IF 7.7, 5.9%).
Farzaneh Sabbagh, Beom Soo Kim (2022) “Recent advances in polymeric transdermal drug delivery systems”, Journal of Controlled Release, 341, 132-146 (IF 10.5, 3.2%).
Chanin Khomlaem, Hajer Aloui, Won-Gyun Oh, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “High cell density culture of Paracoccus sp. LL1 in membrane bioreactor for enhanced co-production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and astaxanthin”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 192, 289-297 (IF 7.7, 5.9%).
Mamata Singhvi, Anoth Maharjan, Ajay Thapa, Hang-Bae Jun, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “Nanoparticle-associated single step hydrogen fermentation for the conversion of starch potato waste biomass by thermophilic Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius”, Bioresource Technology, 337, 125490 (IF 9.7, 2.5%).
Aarti R. Deshmukh, Hajer Aloui, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “Novel biogenic gold nanoparticles catalyzing multienzyme cascade reaction: glucose oxidase and peroxidase mimicking activity”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 421, 127859 (IF 13.3, 3.1%).
Aarti R. Deshmukh, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “Bio-functionalized few-layer graphene for in situ growth of gold nanoparticles, improvement of polymer properties, and dye removal”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 310, 127515 (IF 9.7, 6.6%).
Hajer Aloui, Aarti R. Deshmukh, Chanin Khomlaem, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “Novel composite films based on sodium alginate and gallnut extract with enhanced antioxidant, antimicrobial, barrier and mechanical properties”, Food Hydrocolloids, 113, 106508 (IF 11, 2%).
Aarti R. Deshmukh, Hajer Aloui, Chanin Khomlaem, Abhishek Negi, Jin-Ho Yun, Hee-Sik Kim, Beom Soo Kim (2021) “Biodegradable films based on chitosan and defatted Chlorella biomass: Functional and physical characterization”, Food Chemistry, 337, 127777 (IF 8.5, 3.1%).