Presentation and Slides

1. Student Voice

Year 5 Feedback[98] - Read-Only.pptx
Educator Day Animated Poster with Sound Saima Syed.pdf
Creative enquiry.pdf

2. Dr Rupah Shah - Fighting for the Soul of General Practice 

Presentation for QMUL - Rupal Shah.pptx

4. Professor Alex Harding- The Importance of teaching Primary Care 

Alex Harding Slides 1 May 24.pptx

3. Aman Qamar- Betty Liked (Song)

Services 3 — Flourishing ( 

5. Professor Graham Easton- The Most Important Job: why I wrote The Appointment

Easton. CBME Conference May 24. The Most Important Job.pptx

6. GP Curriculum Dr Rofique Ali, Dr Will Spiring and Professor Alex Harding

GP curriculum - workshop presentation 2024 .pptx

7. Belonging Workshop- Dr Bharmal, Professor Younie and Dr Symes

24.5.1 Belonging GP educator day workshop May 2024.pptx

8. Neurodiversity Workshop- Dr Safiya Virji and Rohini Sabherwal

CBMEeducatorday - Neurodiversity (2).pptx