The euro: views from the Commonwealth

London, 13th April 2018

The Central Bank of Malta and Queen Mary University of London are organizing a joint conference titled "the euro: views from the Commonwealth". The conference will provide an opportunity for scholars, central bankers and policy practitioners from the Commonwealth countries and Europe to express their views and perceptions about the global role of the euro in the post-crisis world economy.

Organisers: Elise Gourier (Queen Mary University of London), Caruana John (Central Bank of Malta), Tatsuro Senga (Queen Mary University of London), Roman Sustek (Queen Mary University of London)

Pre-registration is mandatory for all non-presenter attendees. Session begins Friday, 13 April at 9am and will be held at New Graduate Centre, GC6.01.

Venue: New Graduate Centre, 404 Bancroft Rd, London, E1 4DH

Programme (13 April, 2018)

8:15 to 9:00

Registration and coffee

9:00 to 9:05

Opening remarks:

Professor Sujoy Mukerji, Professor and Head, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London

Session 1:

9:05 to 9:45

9:45 to 10:10

10:10 to 10:40

Moderator, Professor Sujoy Mukerji

Professor Edward Scicluna, Minister for Finance, Malta

Mr Mahmood Pradhan, Deputy Director European Department, International Monetary Fund


10:40 to 11:00

Coffee break

Session 2:

11:00 to 11:20

11:20 to 11:40

11:40 to 12:00

12:00 to 12:20

Moderator, Dr Elise Gourier, Lecturer in Finance, Queen Mary University of London

Professor Franklin Allen, Imperial College London

Ms Rita Schembri, Central Bank of Malta

Dr Kalina Koleva, Central Bank of Malta and Mr Brian Camilleri, Malta Enterprise Corporation


12:30 to 14:00


Session 3:

14:00 to 14:20

14:20 to 14:40

14:40 to 15:00

Moderator, Dr Roman Sustek, Lecturer in Economics, Queen Mary University of London

Mr Arun Sharma, International Finance Corporation

Professor Jagjit Chadha, National Institute of Economic and Social Research


15:00 to 15:20

Coffee break

Session 4:

15:20 to 15:40

15:40 to 16:00

16:00 to 16:20

16:20 to 16:40

Moderator, Dr Sarolta Laczo, Reader in Economics, Queen Mary University of London

Dr Peter Westaway, Chief Economist, Vanguard Europe

Dr Richard Barwell, BNP Paribas Asset Management

Professor Athanasios Orphanides, MIT Sloan School of Management


16:40 to 17:00

Concluding remarks:

Dr Mario Vella, Governor, Central Bank of Malta


Leaving drink (only by invitation)

Venue: 7th floor, Graduate Centre, Queen Mary University of London


Dinner (only by invitation)

Venue: Senior Common Room, Queen Mary University of London (by invitation)