Symptoms of Heart Problems - Manifestations For Specific Heart Disease

Heart problems can be difficult to spot because they may be linked to other conditions. Different types of heart disease have different symptoms, but some may share similar warning signs. It all depends on the severity and type of the condition. Let's look at the symptoms that are associated with specific heart conditions.

Angina, also known as chest pain, is the most common symptom of coronary Artery disease. The symptoms of chest pain include discomfort, heaviness and pressure, aching or burning sensations, fullness, tenderness in the chest, and squeezing. It can also be misleading to indicate heartburn or ingestion. These symptoms may also manifest in the neck, shoulders, neck, throat and jaw. Other minor symptoms include shortness of breath and palpitations, which can be caused by irregular heartbeats, weak or dizziness, nausea, sweating, and weakness.

Heart attack symptoms typically last around 30 minutes. They cannot be treated with oral medication or rest. Heart attack symptoms can begin as mild discomfort, but can quickly progress to severe pain. The symptoms include discomfort, heaviness and pain in the chest, arm or below the breast bone. The sensation of discomfort radiating down to the arm, back, jaw, throat, or throat. Fullness, indigestion, or choking feeling (like heart burn). Sweating, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. Extreme weakness, anxiety, and shortness of breath are all possible. The last would be irregular heartbeats. Silent Attack is a form of heart attack that can occur without any symptoms

These symptoms can indicate arrhythmias, or an abnormal heart rhythm:

Feeling very tired (feeling like you are very tired) can be felt through palpitations, pounding in the chest, dizziness, lightheadedness, chest discomfort, weakness, fatigue, chest pain, dizziness, or dizziness.

Arterial fibrillation can be a form of arrythmia. People with this disorder may experience the following symptoms: Heart palpitations; lack of energy; chest discomfort; shortness of breath. While some patients with arterial fibrillation don't experience any symptoms, they may have brief episodes that last for a few minutes.

Shortness of breath is a sign of heart failure. This can occur during activity, at rest, or when the person lies down flat on their back. A white mucus-producing cough. Rapid weight gain is common, usually it takes approximately 2-3 pounds per day. There may also be swelling in the ankles, legs, abdomen. You may experience dizziness, fatigue, weakness, irregular or rapid heartbeats, nausea, chest pain, and other symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, and weakening. It is possible that heart failure can be caused by the strength of the heart. Although a person may have multiple symptoms, a weak heart can cause mild to moderate heart failure.

Congenital heart defects may be detected before or after birth. These symptoms include shortness of breath, difficulty performing exercise, and heart failure.

To avoid complications, it is important to have your heart checked regularly. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of heart disease so that you can reduce the risk of dying from it.