5 Reasons Special Sauce Hemp Is the Perfect Strain for CBD Rookies

If you’re new to the CBD scene, the Special Sauce CBD strain is for you. Jumping into the world of CBD products can be intimidating and overwhelming for rookies, but the Special Sauce hemp strain is the perfect introduction to it all. Here are five great reasons why.

1. Special Sauce hemp has a pleasant and fruity flavor profile.

Some strains of CBD hemp flower can taste harsh and pungent. Understandably, this could potentially lead to a less-than-pleasant first-time experience. Fortunately, Special Sauce hemp offers a very palatable flavor that many users describe as “sweet,” “hoppy,” and “lightly floral.” Overall, it’s a tasty strain that isn’t too harsh or overpowering.

2. Special Sauce delivers a high concentration of CBD but is non-intoxicating.

This strain contains 11-15% CBD, which is more than the average strain, but it is non-intoxicating. This means you’ll get all the relaxing and mellowing benefits without the high. What could be better?

3. It’s easy to smoke.

Special Sauce hemp is easy on the lungs with a smooth smoke that won’t irritate your throat or cause coughing fits like other more stifling CBD strains. This particular quality is ideal for anyone who is not accustomed to smoking CBD hemp flower, as the act of smoking it can take some getting used to.

4. Special Sauce hemp produces soothing, mellowing effects.

This CBD strain produces a calm, relaxing experience that allows users to kick back and take a load off after a long day at work. It is also frequently used as a pain reliever and may help new CBD users relax and settle in for a nice, quiet evening before bed. Yep, you guessed it! Special Sauce is also a highly-sought-after sleep aid. What doesn’t this wonderful CBD strain do?

5. It’s legal in all 50 states.

The Special Sauce CBD strain complies with all federal requirements, so new users don’t have to worry about purchasing it or using it legally. Although it’s wise to use caution when using any CBD products and consult with a healthcare professional first, Special Sauce is widely known to be safe and effective.

To learn more about potent CBD oil, click here https://tryplainjane.com/hemp-flower/