CBD For Depression Treatment

Depression Treatment: What Are The Options?

Like most things in life and treatment for depression, the effectiveness of any given person's efforts will depend on their individual circumstances.

It is generally accepted that medication and psychological treatment are the best treatments for depression.

Whatever the reason for depression, there are both psychological and medical treatments that can be used to treat the symptoms.

A person suffering from depression should work with their mental health professional or doctor to find the best treatment.

Some people respond well with psychological treatment, while others prefer medication.

Some people only require psychological or "talking" therapy, but others (me included!) may need both. Some people may only need psychological or "talking" treatment, but others (me included!) require both medication and psychological treatment.

I want to caution that not everyone with depression should be taking medication. Here are some of my experiences with medication for depression that I used to treat my own depression.

Before we discuss the effectiveness of medication for depression, it is helpful to know exactly which medications are used to treat this condition.

Depression Treatments

Anti-depressants are the most commonly prescribed medication to treat depression.

What are anti-depressants then?

These medications are prescribed to treat or reduce the symptoms of depression.


There are many anti-depressants. Every type of anti-depressant has its own way to help depression.

Each drug in each class is different. Each class of antidepressants has side effects and warnings. Many individual drugs also have side-effects.

Let's look closer at each anti-depressant family, beginning with the most familiar.


SSRI stands to be selective serotonin reuptake inhibit. These medications prevent the neurotransmitter, serotonin, from being absorbed by the nerve cells that released it. This allows the https://herbalsonlineshopee.co.uk/barnet/ serotonin in the brain to continue its active function.

SSRI's include the following:

  • Fluoxetine.

  • Sertraline – This is what I use to manage my depression.


These terms are almost synonymous.

SNRI stands to serotonin reuptake inhibit, and SSNRI stands to selective serotonin nephrine reuptake inhibitor, but there is no discernible difference.

Both duloxetine as well as venlafaxine can be used in combination with SNRIs. Venlafaxine was my first line of treatment for three years. It stopped working for me after that time.

There are many other anti-depressants. However, I've used the two listed above.

Anti-depressants are not the same for everyone. You will only find the right anti-depressant for you by trial and error.

It is also a trial-and-error process when it comes to the dosage. My psychiatrist used a low dose and then increased it over time each time I was prescribed an antidepressant.

Side-effects are possible with prescription medications. I was fortunate with sertraline and venlafaxine in that I experienced only mild nausea and headaches with each antidepressant.

These side effects lasted only a few days so I was happy to pay the small price for the immense positive benefits they provided me.

Important to remember, a psychiatrist or doctor should be able to monitor an individual's antidepressant medication to ensure that it is working properly and the correct dosage.

Anti-Depressants: How They Work

Antidepressant medication can help to reduce symptoms of depression.

These are the symptoms of depression:

  1. For no reason, feeling extremely sad.

  2. You lose interest in the things you enjoy.

  3. Too much or too little sleep

  4. Feelings that you are worthless or filled with excessive guilt or worry.

  5. Difficulty with thinking, making decisions, or concentration.

Depression is often caused by an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Anti-depressant medications help the brain restore its normal chemical balance, thereby reducing symptoms.

I am often asked, "How long does it take them to finish their work?" "

It took me 2 to 3 weeks to see the anti-depressants start to work. My research shows that anti-depressants can be effective up to six weeks after the initial dose.

Some people may feel better in eight weeks, while others take six months to see the full benefits.

The majority of anti-depressant medications are very effective. People suffering from major depression typically feel better when they start taking the first anti-depressant prescribed.

My depression got worse before I began taking antidepressants. Despite "taking therapy", my depression symptoms did not improve. Only after I began taking antidepressants did my depression "breakthrough" occur.

Psychological Treatments

The most effective treatment for depression is psychological therapy. This includes psychiatrists and psychologists.

I would say that my psychotherapy has helped me to overcome my depression and live a happy, joyful life.

What is Psychological Treatment?

Cognitive Behaviour therapy (CBT) is one of the most powerful psychological treatments.

  • CBT is a structured program that recognizes that how people think can affect the way they feel.

  • CBT helps people think rationally about common problems, and can help them change their thinking patterns and how they react to certain situations.

  • CBT is what I like to call "My thoughts influence my feelings."

People who are depressed may have negative thoughts about:

  1. They are the best example of themselves "I'm a failure. ", "Nobody would be sad if I died."

  2. The world is e.g. "The world is cruel and scary."

  3. Their future, e.g. "I have nothing to lose and my life will never get better."

Negative thinking can hinder recovery and make it more difficult to overcome depression. Recognize unhelpful thoughts and replace them by more rational and realistic thoughts.