827 Carondelet St

District:  Lafayette Square - Full Control

Owner: 827 Carondelet LLC

HDLC Staff: Wendy Cargile

Rating:  Contributing

Applicant: Kirk Fabacher

Permit #: 18-27273-HDLC

Description: Conceptual approval of the renovation of existing three-story commercial building including new one-story addition in alley and new penthouse addition with details to be worked out with ARC. 

HDLC Guidelines:

Previous ARC Recommendations:

7/19/22: The ARC voted for conceptual approval with the details to be worked out at the ARC. The ARC requested further details of the canopies, and the HVAC locations. 

9/25/18: The ARC felt that the relocation of the elevator was successful, but recommended paying attention to the placement of any rooftop equipment to reduce visibility, particularly if is to be mounted on a rack. Any proposed rooftop equipment should be added to the elevation drawings prior to the Commission hearing.

8/28/18: The ARC voted to defer this application for additional review. The penthouse setbacks are not clear, but it should be setback from the front wall of the building the same distance as the height of the addition plus the size of the awnings. The elevator override should be pulled away from the edge of the wall on the Julia St side. The ARC agreed that a building section would be helpful to understand the floor level condition, and how the floor plate will intersect with existing openings at the second floor. The ARC agreed that the new construction at the alley side was appropriate but recommends for you to study a gate or fence condition at the street level.

Previous Commission Recommendations:

12/12/18: Grant conceptual approval with the details to be worked out at the Staff level.  Please submit one set of final detailed drawings reflecting the recommendations of the Architectural Review Committee.  

10/10/18: Defer action on this application until the next Commission meeting. 

Context Photos:

Current Drawings: 

827 Carondelet_ARC3.pdf

Street View: