Welcome to Cavalier Village
The Cavalier Village Homeowners Association is located in Canton, Michigan.
Our main boundaries are Saltz Rd. on the North, Cherry Hill Rd. on the South, Sheldon Rd. to the West and Corrine Blvd. on the East.
We need board members, all positions.
Do you like having your streets plowed in the winter?
Do you like that our common area green spaces are maintained?
Do you know these things affect your home value?
Do you like the annual Pumpkin Fest?
Would you like to see more events?
Do you have a skillset that can help our neighborhood thrive?
Do you have ideas you'd like to share?
We need active participants or we will be forced to disband.
Our current board includes:
President - OPEN
Vice President - OPEN
Treasurer - Brian Giertz
Secretary - OPEN
Trustee - Pat Sturdy
Trustee - Nina Piwko
Trustee - Nancy Smith
Trustee - Cheryl Fontana
Trustee - Nada Dunn
Trustee - OPEN
Wayne County is responsible for our roads. Please notify them whenever you notice a pot hole or damage.
Come join us on Nextdoor!
Nextdoor is a great way to keep in touch with neighbors, hear what's going on in the neighborhood and never miss an event!
It's free and available on the computer, Android and Apple smart phones.