Call for Abstracts

We welcome submissions related to any aspect of causal inference, including theoretical developments, empirical studies, and applications in AI and machine learning. Contributions will be evaluated for inclusion in the selected talks and poster session based on their originality, significance, and clarity.  


May 31 2024, 23:59 UTC time-- submission deadline
June 18 2024, 23:59 UTC time -- notification of acceptance
July 03 2024, 23:59 UTC time -- camera ready

Submission instructions

Format -- We invite single-blind extended abstracts of up to two pages (excluding references), formatted according to UAI guidelines and submitted in PDF format. Supplementary materials, such as detailed write-ups and code up to two pages, are optional.  

The workshop will not have proceedings (or in other words, it will not be archival), which means you can submit the same or extended work as a publication to other venues after the workshop, including UAI.

Acceptable papers include papers currently under review, as well as papers with a publication year of 2024, but they do not include surveys.

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