What is C.A.T.T.?

The Crime Area Target Team [C.A.T.T.] is a special unit with Georgia State Roleplay. This unit is tasked with various duties including undercover sting operations, social media monitoring and operations, vehicle theft prevention and gang operations.

The C.A.T.T. unit is designed to target high-level crime and the certificate will only be made available to individuals with a high-level roleplay skill.

Officer of the Month

Every month, CATT high command will sit together to review all activities by CATT officers. Chosen the officer that has the highest contribution to the department and awarded officer of the month.

The Crime Area Target Team command is proud to announce the October officer of the month is:

Harris Mint

High command appreciated his contribution of him and now awards him :

  • Gets a Cool Discord role with customized color

  • Put N/A on all patrol log Detail

  • Wear Custom EUP

  • Free one month's Nitro

Looking To APPLY?

Crime Area Target Team is always looking for new blood. If you want to become one of us, give a shoot-in application and join us. The application result will be announced every Friday in discord #classes! Once you get accepted into CATT, you will have an opportunity to join an amazing CATT training hosted by FTO. After finishing the training and passing the exam, you will become one of the official CATT members.