About CATT

CATT History

Crime Area Target Team was founded back in 2018 by Jordan [First CATT Commander]. Months go by, till eventually, Jacob Brown, current CATT Commander took on the division in 2019, and has been the Commander ever since.

Since the dawn of CATT, members of the department have completed hundreds, nay thousands of CATT Operations and placed thousands of criminals behind bars.

Since 2018, CATT has maintained the same training & conducting operations the same way with small changes to make operations more efficient for the officer conducting the operation. - This is something CATT Commander Jacob Brown is very proud of, as he knows all his officers are managing to conduct operation and catch criminals on a regular basis!


[CATT] - CATT for Dummies

What does CATT do?

CATT is the predominant unit on all calls that include, stolen cars, illegal substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine etc, social media monitoring & gang operations.

CATT is mainly an undercover operations taskforce. We have access to Confidential Informants that provide us vital information about any illegal activity occurring in the State of Georgia that requires undercover surveillance and a highly trained set of officers ready to take action when necessary.

We challenge day to day high-level crimes in dangerous areas of USN - Georgia - These areas include Grove Street, Forum Drive, Sandy Shores, Grapeseed & Paleto Bay - Areas with high drug and vehicle theft calls then any other location in Georgia.

How do CATT Officer conduct Operations?

Just like any other departments, CATT have their own training that all probationary officer must attend to, before conducting operations & patrolling solo.Within this training, probationary officers are trained to conduct the 2 main operations we conduct on a daily basis which are: - Bait Car Operation.- Drug Operation.

The CATT Officer's main duty is to conduct those operations to arrest the suspects involved in buy/selling stolen vehicles or illegal substances. We can also be called to active priority scenes, to bait the suspects car if he is planning to flee, so the officers have a better chance of catching the suspect than letting them get away.

During Operations we may use other departments such as K9 to search for any drugs/weapons dumped by the fleeing suspect in the near by area/sniff a vehicle for any illegal substances if required. We also utilise MCD if K9 isn't available, to test the drugs we found in the area/on the suspect to make sure the product is real.

[CATT] - Basic Rules & Procedures