Statistical Data on CryptoKitties

While I am fascinated of CryptoKittie genetics I am also interested in breeding trends. Therefore I extracted todays kittie population data (December 29 2017) into a spreadsheet and did some simple data crunching. I find it quite interesting and hope it is valuable to you as well. If you want to tip me a kitten so I keep on doing stats, this is the box to put them into [ 0xb277965187a60f23c28b0babcfea4290bbbc28c7 ]

Before we start I wanted to reproduce the different cooldown states, since it is crucial to interprete the data. It is important to remember that cooldowns are not inherited but plainly depend on the generation (> see chart). The generation itself depends on the kittie-parent with the higher generation. Two generation 0 cats will always result in a generation 1 kittie. The offspring of a generation 0 and a generation 10 cat will always be a generation 11 kittie.

Having reiterated this common knowledge, let´s dive into the data. The following chart shows the CryptoKittie population in absolute numbers. The peak of CryptoKitties is at generation 5.

Cooldown States

Please take notice, that I didn´t include higher generations. As of December 29 2017 there is one generation 161 kittie (ID 428812), apparently due to a dedicated effort to reach the highest generation. However, we are dealing with around 15-20 kitties per generation maximum between gen26 and gen161. So in case you are looking for rarities... :)

Aside from absolute numbers, it is interesting to look at the data from a relative perspective. The following diagram gives an idea which kitties by generation are being used to breed most (eventually leading to catatonic kitties). Unsurprisingly gen0 kitties are being used most intensively. However, the rate of gen0 used for breeding was somewhat surprising to me: around 75% of all gen0 are productively used (I expected less). There are only around 28% fast gen0. Not all of these are necessarily virgins. On the flipside there is still an unequivocal tendency to preserve a large part gen0 from breeding.

Separately I took a look at generations from the perspective of cooldown distribtion. It´s probably not that interesting, but I still wanted to share it for you.

I also had a look at fancy distributions. The diagram shows the percentage of fancy kitties in each generation. I didn´t really find any real news here, but the fact that the percentage aligns with the absolute number of kitties (which to me doesn´t make a lot of sense). However, one needs to take into account that the mere fact that fancy kitties are very rare (a media of less than 3%) we have to expect calculation errors where we are dealing with low numbers (which is the case in the first generations as well as in higher generations (generation 20+). Therefore I rather tend to say that it is stable percentage at about 3%.